Letter from Peter Lamprey to W Gunton



Letter from Peter Lamprey to W Gunton


Peter Lamprey writes of his life towards the end of his basic training for the Royal Air Force basic in Blackpool. He mentions Morse code training and that he has been accepted for aircrew.





Four-page handwritten letter


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84 [underlined] Dickson [/underlined] Road.

Dear Bill.

Many, many, many thanks for packet. I am returning card signed and will expect money by return. The usual rate for Sunday I see has been suspended. This war is now entering upon a stage of stalemate and things, I am afraid, will move rather more slow than of late. We still do the same tricks only now we either do them well – bad or, if you happen to be in the rear rank, not at all. This Mor [inserted] s [/inserted] e business gets a bit of a bind. Di-di-da-dit now forms most of our conversation and any moment you expect one of the mob to start running up the wall, which is about all you can afford to get up in Blackpool. The price is a fur coat up here and only the Poles can afford it, mind you, we are all saving up hard, but its [sic] not money were [sic] saving. This is a great life and I feel really fit. Fit for nothing, in fact even my uniform fits somebody else. You get quite a lot of fun laughing at the funny looking perishers over there until you notice its [sic] your own reflection. The ideas in the RAF are a bit different to

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Army ones. The Army swings its arms, we swing the lead and continue to do so even off parade. Tell the boys not to worry about being called up, wait till they’re in, they they’ll have something to worry about. The RAF want men who know something, but only because they like prove [sic] that, after all, you know nothing. I hope none of the boys get sent up here when they are called up as I should hate to meet anyone with money in these dark byways. I have just passed out on my second Morse test since starting this epistle. I have also been definitely accepted for air-crew by the final selection board so am feeling rather bucked. By the way that last word is spelt right, the other one is used when I come in off rifle-drill. I am going to see if I can see Harry Lentle tonight and let him have a look at a real airman, theres [sic] plenty in the hotel I use. I write hotel to hoodwink Eddie Hunt as he objects to riotous living on A.C.2’s money. This place is simply lousy with letters, though any letter is welcomed, but actually I am a W. OP/AG/U. T/10R.C.2D27. If you can work that out I am more than suprised [sic] and consider you to be too good for a charge-hand and advise you to remuster as a spotter as they know the answers to every-

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[underlined] 3 [/underlined]

bit of crooked work going. Our dear Sergeant goes on leave this week-end and we hope to convince him that a single ticket is a lot cheaper and saves half the journey, but we have not much hope of success as he evidently likes our company the way he hangs around. Living in the lap of luxury up here must make you poor devils envious and any tips I can give you, you are welcome to. If you want to know how we make our money go round we swing our arms, it’s the only way. Don’t think that I imagine you have no worries and trouble. If you haven’t I am deeply sorry. If I suffer its [sic] in good cause or else someone’s been kidding me and they’d better be careful, I can stand so much but at the present moment I can just stand myself a couple of beers and thats [sic] about all. This war business again interrupted this letter and this is the third go I’ve had at it and shall now concentrate on finishing it and let the war run its course without my help for the time being. I failed to find Harry Lentle last night but being in the know I can easily find him sometime this week and give him the benefit of my vast experience. This will doubtless help him to make this war an

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interesting experience that he’d wish he’d dodged. Coming away from the seamy side of life I hope all the other lads are doing as well as me and finding things as entertaining. Let me know how much Frank Batchelor hates it and if anyone else has received their cards. Remember me to everyone and express my sympathy to H. Straw and B. Wall and tell them its [sic] in my diary when I visit. Give Dave my kind regards and tell him not to let Rusty shove him about. Remember me to the Guv’nor, Bill Thornhill & George Francis. I’ll be seeing you one day.
Best of luck.

P.S. Keep your chin up and I’ll be down to have a smack at it.



Peter Lamprey, “Letter from Peter Lamprey to W Gunton,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 13, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/6241.

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