Browse Items (179 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "England--Manchester"

Second of David Geach's diaries, describing his training for aircrew at Kingstown, Heaton Park, Hastings and Harrogate until his embarkation to Canada on the Queen Mary. Covers the period from 20 June 1942 to 7 October 1942.

Gladys Hatt was a teenager and working in Manchester when it was bombed. She recalls her life was a sequence of work, shelter, work and there was no teenage life for her. She worked as a machinist sewing uniforms, which was a big change from her…

To Mrs Sarah Green acknowledging receipt for war damage claim 14 January 1941.

Writes thanking him for letters and discusses money jointly spent on sons uniform. Talks about his current location and lack of progress and thinks they are wasting their time. Speculates on the near future, Catches up with other family matters.

From birth in 1920 until operational pilot in 1944. Covers early life in Battersea and Morden in London, family life, school and first jobs after leaving school at 14 years old. Describes family experiences at beginning of the war volunteering for…

Text and numerous b/w photographs (some of which are also located in sub-collection albums) covering from immediately before and during World War II - (1939-1946). First page has colour photographs and description of prisoner of war medal. Continues…

Autographical account of life at the beginning of the war including service in ARP in Swindon. Reasons for volunteering for the RAF. Registered for military service in February 1941. Waiting for call-up. Induction at St John's Wood London and…

Transcript of F Dunn's memoir describing life before and after joining the RAF. Includes induction and starting off in the RAF in England and then sea voyage to South Africa and then initial training in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.

Jose and another WAAF working on vertical boards. On the reverse 'Given by the News of the World filing dept in Fleet Street on Sunday morning after hitching to London with Jeannie Lund from Hythe July/Aug 44'. Stamped Fox Photos Ltd.
A note…

A ration book issued to Jose.


Ordnance Survey air chart of North Wales and Manchester, scale 1/4 inch to one mile, sheet 4.

Ordnance Survey map of North Wales and Manchester, Military Edition, scale 1/4 inch to one mile, sheet 4.

Contains personal information and postings/locations from joining to discharge on 28 February 1947. Notes that he was reported missing on 27 August 1940, was subsequently interned in Tunisia. Notes he was recommended for commission.

A guide containing information about the camp and how it operates, pay, discipline, local information, recreation, churches and aircrew categories.

RAF Form 2788 sent to Jose. The text is scored out and a rubber stamp states that a postal draft for £1 and six shillings is enclosed.

RAF Form 2783 sent to Jose with details of her final payment.

He writes about the arrangement for his leave.

Leading Aircraftman Harold Gorton writes to his sister-in-law to be about arrangements for his wedding to Lilian Morgan.

Before the war, Hilda Ledger lived in Berkley and worked in a big house. During the war, she registered to work, as required for her age, and was sent to Metrovic, a Lancaster bomber factory in Manchester. She describes working nine-hour shifts, five…

List of places and dates where Frank Nolan studied or worked. Of note were placements at Vickers Armstrong at Squires Gate, A V Roe at Chadderton and various ministry of aircraft production aeronautical inspection directorate locations.

Argues that his seniority for redundancy should be dated back to 3 September 1939 (not 9 March 1942) as he served earlier during the war and war in receipt of disability pension.
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