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  • Tags: flight engineer

Events the night Lancaster LM381 was shot down. It includes the fate of the two survivors from the Lancaster and their forced marches to prisoner of war camps.

The covers of a file about Ben Boothman, flight engineer. As told by him to Paul Handell from David Fell. Paul Handell is a relative of Flight Sergeant Unwin (RAAF).

Some information about the fate of Ben and the pilot after capture. Then a section on Ben's release.

A summary of the raid on Brunswick, 14/15 January 1944. It includes the fate of the two survivors from the crew and the five who perished.

Ben's narrative after being taken prisoner of war after his aircraft was shot down.

The email's subject is 'Ben Boothman', the flight engineer of Lancaster LM381. The message covers Ben's time in the air force but also covers his pilot, Alf Morren.
The document has handwritten annotations.
A second copy but with only pages 3 and 4…

A map of Germany showing where LM381 crashed and giving brief details of its last flight.

Werner was an eye witness to the crash of Brian Clarke's Lancaster.

A list of the seven members of the crew with their names, duty, service number, religion and address.

Brian's story told by his brother, Geoffrey's grand daughter. Louise goes into detail about his last operation. There are photographs taken at school and Brian in the Home Guard. Also there is a copy of his school report.

Notes from a telephone conversation with Ben Boothman. He details the events of the night the Lancaster was shot down. The aircraft exploded as the two survivors were clipping on their parachutes.

A series of five hand drawn sketches with details of towns and villages affected around Kollerbeck.

A map of the Kollerbeck area annotated with areas affected by debris and the location of a resident, Werner, who was helping with information about the crash.
On a second sheet is a sketch route of the Lancaster LM 381, annotated with final attack…

She apologises for the delay in replying. Her son was in hospital with Mrs Clarke's letter. The flight engineer, Benny Borthman had visited them.
Included is a poem 'To any mother'.

The letter expresses sympathy regarding the news that his son has not returned from an operation. On the reverse is a list of fellow crew members and their next of kin.

Dedicated to the crew of LM381. it includes details of Elsham Wolds and its squadrons then details events on the night Brian was killed. Included is a photograph of the graves of the five crew members who died that night.

Nine photographs.
#1, 2 and 3 Pilot, Flight Lieutenant Morren and family.
#4 Flight Engineer Sergeant Bootham, head and shoulders.
#5 Air Bomber Sergeant Jackson, head and shoulders.
#6 Navigator Sergeant Hickling 04 Oct 1943, head and…

Speaks a little about training and mentions cross country with Leonard Cheshire as pilot. Mentions first operation to Kassel. Gives details of aircraft involved on Leipzig operation including high loss rates. States he did not know what went wrong…

Leslie gives account of his last operation to Leipzig on 19/20 February 1944. He commences with brief description of his join up and training. He mentions operations to Kassel and Berlin, completing 7 operations completed before Leipzig. He rists…

Seven airmen in uniform standing outside a building. James is standing third from left. The men are identified as:
(1) Eric - Mid upper gunner
(2) George - Rear gunner
(3) Grandad - Radio
(4) Stan - Skipper
(5) Ted - Navigator
(6) Geoff -…
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