Browse Items (375 total)

  • Tags: RAF Waddington

A group of airmen and an airwoman arranged in a garden area in front of a hangar. On the reverse is handwritten 'Nav Section Waddington'.

Three Lancasters in snow taken from a low angle. Two airmen are standing in front of the closest with their backs to the camera.

Don was brought up in Newcastle, where he worked for a number of years. He attended a meeting a year before the war began, about alternatives to war and that war didn’t have to be accepted as inevitable. Don joined a community which organised…

Flying log book for observers, air gunners and wireless operators for K C Bruhn, covering the period from 9 September 1943 to 7 September 1945. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and post war flying duties. He was stationed at RAAF Mount…

A biography of Arthur Pritchard written by his daughter. It covers his training, operations and the night he was shot down. Despite speaking no French he was assisted to a hideout in Paris where he remained until Paris was liberated in August 1944.

Group of airmen sitting at tables.
Information supplied with the collection states 'Breifing [sic] Room RAF Waddington "Raid on Juvisy 18/19 April 1944" ' There is a banner with 'WC Kingsford-Smith'. he was the squadron's first commanding…

Flying log book for navigators, air bombers, air gunners, flight engineers for R Gard, air gunner, covering the period from 7 March 1944 to 14 February 1945 when he went missing on operations. He was stationed at RAF Stormy Down, RAF Turweston, RAF…

Observer’s and air gunner’s flying log book for F Mottershead, wireless operator, covering the period from 29 April 1943 to 9 April 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RCAF Calgary, RCAF Mossbank, RCAF…

Don Browning was posted to 463 Squadron at RAF Waddington. On one operation two aircraft collided and Don lost friends he had undertaken training with. On an operation to Calais the weather was very poor and the attack aborted but not all aircraft…

T P Payne’s pilot’s flying log book covering the period from 9 November 1942 to 19 April 1953. Detailing his flying training as a pilot. He was stationed at RAF Brough (4 EFTS), RCAF Neepawa (35 EFTS), RCAF Swift Current (39 SFTS), RAF Perth (11…

Eric Sanger's personal account of his last operation, of being shot down and his time as a prisoner of war. Detailed account of last operation to Nuremburg on 25 February 1943 in 9 Squadron aircraft from RAF Waddington. Mentions delayed take off and…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during an attack on Brunswick. It is a night photograph and much of the image is obscured by fires and explosions. An annotated red circle and 'AP' marks the aiming point. The image is captioned '6690 WAD…

A vertical aerial photograph of Flushing. Much of the image is obscured by cloud. The aimimg point has been annotated with a circle and 'AP'.
The image is captioned '6586 Wad.11.10.44//8" 6900

A vertical aerial photograph of Giessen taken during an operation. Streets, houses, fields and river meanders can be seen. The aiming point is annotated in red 'A/P'.
The image is captioned '7191. Wad. 6/7.12.44//NT 7" 10000 082 21016 Giessen. B.…

A vertical aerial photograph of Karlsruhe. No detail is visible due to cloud. It is captioned '6279 WAD. 26/27.9.44.//C.8" 11500

A vertical aerial photograph of Ladbergen taken during an operation. The ground is obscured by cloud but an explosion is visible through the clouds.
It is captioned '7101 WAD. 21/22.11.44//NT. 7" 4000 o45 2105 D.E. Ladbergen 13x 1000 ANM 65 DT. 22…

A vertical aerial photograph of Munich, taken during an operation. There is no detail visible but the aiming point is marked, 'A/P'.
The image is captioned '7132 WAD 26/27.11.44//NT 7" 18000 081. 0500 Munich B 18x106x4 inc (c 6/27) 30 sec F/O…

A detailed account of a 467 Squadron Lancaster crew's operation to the Dortmund-Ems canal on 1 January 1945. Crew captain was Flying Officer M G Bache and crew is listed. Book covers crew early training and operations before the subject date. There…

Extracts from publications giving details of all operations by 467 and 463 Squadrons from 10 September 1944 to 25 April 1945. Details include number of aircraft, target, bombloads and losses. Interspersed are details of operations carried out by…

Account of his time as a navigator on the squadron from September 1944 to January 1945. Describes his crew and training in Australia travel via the United States to England to join Bomber Command. Writes of training for multi-engine bombers and early…
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