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  • Tags: Pathfinders

At the top annotated in red 'Magdeburg, Nurenburg [crossed out] Berlin'. Indicates three bomb loads. Included preselection and false height settings, weights and other information. On the reverse top half zero hour '2253'. Details marking method,…

Shows two bomb loads. Details preselection settings. Includes Window, timings, route, wave aircraft allocations, marking methods, pathfinders timings, and other instructions. Struck through and annotated 'Scrubbed' in large red letters. On the…

Shops two bomb loads for operation for four and remaining aircraft. Details preselection false height and delay settings (the last two struck through) and other information. Includes timings, Window, effort level, route, wave aircraft allocations.…

Shows a single bomb load for operation. Details distributor and preselection settings and other information. Includes times route. bombing height and H+ times for squadron aircraft on wave four and wave 5. On the reverse mentions Newhaven, Parramatta…

Shows two bomb loads each for a single aircraft. Details preselection settings and includes window, route and marking method. On the reverse marking and bombing instructions.

Annotated 'Augsburg, MINOL Filled, SXUHOTML'. ) Shows four bomb loads for operation for seven, six, one and two aircraft respectively. Details preselection, delay and false height settings and other information. Includes weights, zero hour, Window,…

Indicates two bomb loads for operation. Includes preselection and false height settings as well as other information. Notes Newhaven with Wanganui as emergency. Covers route and target marking by Pathfinder force and bombing instructions. On the…

Shows a single bomb load for operation. Details distributor and preselection settings. Includes timings and bombing heights, On the reverse mentions Newhaven, Parramatta and Wanganui marking, pathfinders, master bomber actions and call sign. Includes…

Shows three bomb loads for operation one with no aircraft annotated, the second annotated 'Main' and the third for seven aircraft . Details distributor, preselection and false height settings as well as timing, Window, route and that squadron…

Shows one bomb load for operation and notes all half hour delay. Details distributor, preselection and false height settings. Includes timings, Window and route details. On the reverse pathfinder aircraft task, notes other airfields nearby, Mosquito…

Indicates single bomb load for squadron with pre-selection settings. Includes timings, route, method and on the reverse handwritten target marking notes. Notes that Pathfinder Mosquito will drop preliminary and other markers. Annotated…

Shows two bomb loads for operation. Details preselection, time interval and false height settings as well as other information. Includes weights, timing, effort level, Window, Pathfinder marking and bombing instructions. Mentions route markers and…

Shows two bomb loads for operation. Details preselection, time interval and false height settings. Includes weights, Window, times, marking method and bombing instructions. Page is struck through and annotated 'Scrubbed' in large letters. On the…

Shows two bomb loads for nine and seven aircraft respectively. Bomb loads include AMN59 and AMN65. Details distributor, preselection and false height settings as well as timing, bombing height and other details. On the reverse master bomber direction…

A brief description of Bomber Command starting with Air Marshal Harris commanding, types of aircraft used, 1000 Bomber attack on Cologne and losses, the Pathfinder Force, losses, hazards to returning crews and casualties.

Mentions day operations by two Mosquitos on 15 February. Gives description of night operation to Berlin with total of 891 aircraft dispatched. Lists types and numbers. Gives outline of weather and account of operation, results of bombing, amount of…

Top left - target photograph showing open countryside with many bomb craters.
Top right - Arthur Pearce in uniform holding hand of young child on the left. Another child is partly visible to the left of the photography. In the background a tree…

Includes a route, zero hour, method including target marking, Window and other notes. Notes that target marking will be done by Mosquito and that they will also be attacking Hanover and Essen with red target indicators and bombs.

Heading 'Alternative'. Mentions Newhaven with 'W' as emergency. Includes marking plan, pathfinder actions, main force instruction and master bomber actions and call sign.

Covers marking method, route markers, Pathfinders and bombing instructions. Shows five waves with aircraft allocated to each. Details Window and effort level. Annotated 'Schweinfurt' at the bottom left.

Headline - Stuttgart badly hit, factories ablaze. Internal headlines - hard-pressed Germans, feeling the strain including some pilot accounts. Bombs in centre - fires joined into one, pilots account of fires. Eluded fighter, another would not fire,…

Reports relating to Derek Carrott.
Left: Annotated '29-7-44' a report of a 2,000 plus bomber raids on Stuttgart, Bremen, the Luena factory at Meresburg, Juvincourt airfield and Laon-Couvron air base, Frankfurt am Main, Ploiești, Sarajevo and…

Gives account of Distinguished Flying Cross to Flight Lieutenant Leslie Roberts of Brierfield and Pilot Officer James Douglas Hudson.
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