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Reports Flying Officer Kenneth Gill DFC was presumed killed after being posted missing on 21 March 1945 on his 45th operation. Gives some local history concerning Ken Gill, mentions Tirpitz operation. Also reports other RAF Yorkshiremen killed, Sgt…

Writes about a bombing operation on new year. Mentions speaking to a railway signalman whose daughter possibly taught his younger brother. Writes of other family acquaintances. Continues with other family news and gossip. Catches up with other news…

Catches up with family news and mentions a recent operation that Ken took part in on a battleship and noted he was back on operations with a famous squadron. The only famous one he knew was 12. Noted that he would be very busy.

First page only. Mention recent operation to e-boat pens which was reported in newspapers. Mentions a friend's accident.

Complains about lack of action at his new station. Catches up with family news and mentions sending photographs of crew on return from Tirpitz operation to his wife. Writes about son Derek. Mentions getting second class navigator certificate.

Informs her that his son Flying Officer Kenneth Gill DFC was missing as a result of air operations on 21 March.

Informs her that her husband Flying Officer Kenneth Gill DFC was missing as a result of air operations on 21 March.

Wireless Operator/Air Gunner’s log book for H C Rouse covering the period from 11 October, 1940 to 16 December, 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown, also includes Gunnery Course results, mine laying operations, bomb loads, a…

Writes that it was a lovely day and wished he was with her to enjoy it. Mentions recent radio news about Lancaster losses but presumes it was not him. Comments on his laundry parcel and continues with family news and gossip.

Transcription of letter from Ken Gill's pilot. Writes of snow clearing activities. Catches up with news of brothers and family's activities. Mentions recent snowy weather and a difficult flight when they had difficulty finding somewhere to land.…

Writes that he was unlikely to get leave over Christmas and mentions other activities. Comments on poor weather and mentions an operation to the Baltic which was his 6th trip. Hoping for leave in January. Catches up with family news.

Thanks her for recent letter. Writes that he was now doing daylight operations during which he felt safe as they were well protected. Catches up with family news and gossip. Hopes he might manage to get home. Mentions he was out celebrating but did…

List of items to be carried out including air test, briefings, take off, target area, fuel and others.

Top - sketch map of Tromsø Fjord with ship and bomb hits marked with x's and track line.
Bottom - annotated diagram sketch of upside down ship.

Sketch map showing Norway and Sweden with route marked up the North Sea and into Tromsø and return along similar route.

Reg's account starting when he was shot down on an operation to Berlin. After Berlin he was transferred to Frankfurt for interrogation then by train to his camp. Camp life involved food, the preparation and acquisition of extra food by theft, trading…

Gives some comments on recent operation. Asks if they liked photograph he sent. Writes of thinking of birthday while over target and catches up with family news.

Writes that he did not have too bad a trip recently despite poor weather. Mentions that their new aircraft was quite good and now had new same nose art as previously. Catches up with news of friends/family. Mentions a friend who had gone missing on…

R Horsburgh’s Observer’s Flying Log Book detailing operations and training flown as Observer covering the period 25 October 1942 to 23 August 1943. He was stationed at RCAF Virden (19 EFTS), RCAF Brandon (12 SFTS), RAF Abingdon (10 OTU), RAF…

A notebook to be used for recording wartime activities. It contains an account of Reg's bale out, capture and time in Dulag Luft, Stalag 4B and Offlag 7B.Reg records his operational experiences the day he baled out. His captors were friendly but the…

Observer’s and air gunner’s flying log book for K Gill, navigator, covering the period from 17 May 1942 to 21 March 1945 when he was missing on operations. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at…

Writes that he had been busy, operation to Berlin previous night. Describes life in the officers' mess. Mentions that Tom says he will come to Leeds and act as groomsman.
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