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  • Tags: Stalag Luft 3

Starts by commenting on poor weather and both she and baby having colds. Mentions plans for cinema and having tea with friend, mentions other acquaintances. Continues with news of baby photographs and other general gossip.

Writes of baby attending first party and teething process. Catches up on news, activities, friends/acquaintances, mail and other gossip. Hopes he received photographs.

Catches up with news of activities, baby, cinema, reading, friends and acquaintances.

Informs her that her husband had been moved to another camp and she should sent mail to Stalag Luft 3 Stalag 357.

The letter to Clara from Arthur is written from a prisoner of war camp. He writes emotionally about his regrets.

Five annotated photographs and a sketch of life in a prisoner of war camp.

Control room for the stage lighting, looking down at the stage. Two actors are on stage while stage hands move a piece of furniture.

Two typed sheets with handwritten annotations listing the escapees.

Three lists of books sent by red cross to John Valentine in Stalag Luft 3

Starts with a poem and then a series of stories which together form the memoirs of Harold Yeoman, an officer who served in Bomber Command during the war, initially as a pilot on Wellingtons and then as an Intelligence Officer. He relates his…

A map of 41 POW camp locations. The key gives each camp's name and number.

A scene in the dressing room. Actors are reading their lines while others get changed and have makeup applied. Four men and preparing to play women's roles.

Map with handwritten annotations for some camps including Dulag Luft, Stalag Luft 1 (mistakenly labelled Stalag Luft II), Stalag Luft 3, Stalag Luft 6 and Stalag 8B

A small scale map showing the location of prisoner of war camps. A typewritten note has been attached with corrections.

A play being performed with three actors. The orchestra are in their pit and a couple of spectators are watching. A picture on the back of stage reads 'Home Sweet Home'. There is a stage villain and two prisoners of war dressed as women characters.

Memoirs of Jim Cahir who served with 466 Squadron RAAF. He writes about being shot down near Frankfurt on Main on the night of 20/21 December 1943 and subsequently being captured and imprisoned in Stalag IVB in Muhleberg. He stayed there until the…

A scene from a musical comedy viewed from the wings. Musicians including a guitarist and saxophonist are playing while a man dressed as a woman dances.

Reg's account starting when he was shot down on an operation to Berlin. After Berlin he was transferred to Frankfurt for interrogation then by train to his camp. Camp life involved food, the preparation and acquisition of extra food by theft, trading…

Accounts of some of the officers shot: Flt Lt J G Stower, Flt Lt J F Williams, Flt Lt E G Brettell, Flt Lt M J Casey Flt Lt D. O Street. List of 47 Officers shot. Photograph of W.O Bristow and his model steam boat captioned 'An RAF sergeant at Stalag…

Top left - a man looking closely at a model ship on a table. In the background other figures. Captioned 'A10 NCO's Arts and Crafts Exhib, Stalag Luft 3'.
Top middle - four posters/drawings mounted on wall. Captioned 'A15 NCO's Arts and Crafts…

News-sheet of the Canadian Prisoners of War Relatives Association. This edition covers the danger of rumours, editorial policy on letters, NCOs organise at Stalag IVB, Mrs Ian Campbell's work for POWs, Canadian Red Cross Prisoner of War shipments,…
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