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  • Tags: flight engineer

Note from his niece which gives outline of operation to Berlin on 2 January 1944. Mentions that Missing Research and Enquiry Service contacted his parents with news that his remains had been found and he and rest of crew were buried in the village of…

Seven aircrew three kneeling in front and four standing behind. All wearing battledress. In the background a Lancaster. Captioned 'Norris - A/G m/u, Howard - A/G r/g, Buck - B?A, Bill - Nav, King WOP. Dave - Pilot, Oll - F/E'.

Outlines his training and 30 operations on 433 Squadron flying Halifax and then Lancaster. Writes of Halifax crash shortly after arriving and describes his actions on a busy night on an operation to Bochum when they were hit by antiaircraft fire.…

The first is to Duisberg on 26/27 April 1943 with Squadron Leader Villiers as the captain. The second is to Essen on 27 May 1943, Squadron Leader Slade as the captain. The third is to Dusseldorf on 11/12
June 1943, with Squadron Leader Slade as the…

Royal Air Force document giving personal details of John Beisly. Enlisted 13 April 1943 released 22 May 1947. Lists his postings an promotions. Notes qualification as flight engineer and posting to 433 Squadron on 4 August 1944.

Summary of bombing operations with 433 Squadron from 11 August 1944 to 26 March 1945, Flew as flight engineer on Halifax and then converted to Lancaster December / January 44/45.

From information provided by the donor. Peter sitting in the doorway of 12 Squadron Lancaster squadron letter 'J'.

From information provided by the donor. Photograph of Peter standing in the doorway of Hut 13, his accommodation as a sergeant at RAF Wickenby.

From information provided by the donor. Four photographs ,the first is a reverse with the crew listed, annotations 'Baxter 507, L - R top, Sgt Baxter, F/eng, Sgt Prowse R/Gunner, P/O Deare W/Op, L -R Bottom, S/L Villiers Pilot, F/O Allinson Nav, P/O…

From information provided by the donor. Peter Baxter at Hemswell. Airfield background, part of a Lancaster and buildings also visible.

Two versions of the same strip (b/w and colour) with enlargements of all slides.
Slide 1 - captioned 'USAF at Great Dunmow shows Mitchells + Marauders on station with bomb dump'. In the foreground bombs piled in rows on top of one another. In the…

From information provided by the donor. Peter as a flight lieutenant with flight engineer brevet, sports field in the background.

Orders were for 26 August 1943 when 12 Squadron were based at RAF Wickenby. Peter was one of the Duty Officers.

Order of Battle number 22 for 11 November 1944, shows Peter Baxter although acting Flight Engineer Leader scheduled to fly as a member of Flying Officer Whites crew. According to Peters record of his service ' I Flew with Nine Wing commanders', the…

Photograph of Peter with flight engineer brevet and flight lieutenant rank, trees in background

From information provided by the donor. Panoramic landscape photograph (stitched together from multiple images) of 153 Squadron at Scampton, dated 06/1945, PD Baxter is Front row, 14th from the left. Spreadsheet (on three tabs) identifying some of…

Provides list of crew and next of kin with addresses. Includes Acting Flight Lieutenant H L Fry.

A detailed Biography of Reg' service and post service life.

A half length portrait of Reg in uniform. He is wearing a Flight Engineer's brevet.
This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form: no better quality copies are available.

Reg, in flying kit, standing at the font of a Halifax.

Three airmen at the rear of Halifax 'Victor'.
This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form: no better quality copies are available.

Three images of two airmen playing about with bombs.
Photo 1 and 3 are the same. One man has the finned end of a bomb placed over his head.
Photo 2 the fin is about to be placed over the head of a sitting airman.
This item was sent to the IBCC…

Les and Reg sitting on a row of bombs, captioned 'Les Lauzon Pilot and Reg Miles Flight Engineer'.
This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form: no better quality copies are available.
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