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  • Tags: pilot

Flight Lieutenant Bluey Mottershead in uniform standing next to his bride with veil and bouquet.

Gives account of last (and 7th) operation to Schweinfurt 26/27 April 1944. His Lancaster was shot down and the pilot, wireless operator, flight engineer, and both gunners were killed. The bomb aimer and navigator (Bob Burns) were made prisoners of…

Account of last operation to Schweinfurt on 25 April 1944. Describes attack by night fighter. Aircraft spinning down and Bob eventually blown out of aircraft by explosion and parachuted to safety. Initially evaded but captured while injured. Recalls…

Group of 6 airmen in uniform in formal pose standing in front of an aircraft. The letters LN-B are visible on the aircraft. All 6 men are wearing side caps. Three men on the front row are wearing flying jackets. Reverse annotated with: '99 Sqn…

Near full length portrait of Bob in flying kit captioned '19 year old Bob Cooke whilst training at Vereeniging, South Africa in 1942'.

A list of Bob and his crew. A colour drawing of their Halifax and the location of their graves in Normandy.

Bob's grave at Tilly-sur-Seuelles Commonwealth War Cemetery.

A newspaper cutting with 12 airmen. The text states that they have just returned from the Heligoland Bight area. On the reverse five are named including Bob.

Left page: top left, abstract from sailing log.
Top right a fjord.
Centre right, mountains and a river.
Bottom left, a ship, the Lamport and Holt lines TSS Vandyck. It is annotated '938 to Norway'.
Bottom right, a drawing of the Church of St…

The obituary of Flight Lieutenant Bob Knights. It details his operations on the Tirpitz, his early life, his training in Florida, his time with 617 Squadron and his role with BOAC after the war until his retirement in 1976.

Head and shoulders portrait of a man wearing uniform tunic with pilot's brevet. On the reverse 'Bob Marshall'. Sticker with 'Bob Marshall, pilot'.

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Twenty-seven Air Training Corps cadets in uniform and one RAF officer (wearing tunic with pilot's brevet) sitting and standing in front of a building decorated with union flags. Captioned 'Bob Palmer (Sr) front row centre'.

Left page: from top, descriptions of the Magister, Anson and Whitley aircraft, annotated 'RAF aircraft in which Bob did his training'.
Whitley aircraft, B-DY, C-DY and E-DY, flying in formation; bottom, crashed Whitley MH-H, annotated 'Usworth 17 11…

Guidance to pilots and navigators on the simplest means of locating a target. Provides comprehensive notes. Covers preparation, action before take off, action after take off.

RAF BC Form 10 partially completed by Maurice.

First is of a crew of eight, standing by left mainwheel of a Stirling captioned 'The crew'. ' The crew of aircraft 'N' for Nan. no 199 Squadron from Nov 1944 till April 1945'.
Second is of ten individuals standing and kneeling in front of a…

Seven airmen wearing battledress with brevet, three sitting on a bench and four standing behind. Pilot is sitting centre. Three of the airmen standing have significant medal ribbons displayed, particularly the AG second from right. In the background…

Seven aircrew standing in front of a Lancaster, squadron letter K. Hangar in background. Captioned 'Kindest regards from crew of 'K''. On the reverse a skull and crossbones and 'in memory of a tree & a pair of torn pants R. Aird. Engineer, M/U…

Top - seven aircrew wearing various uniform or flying clothing standing in line under the engine of a bomber. Mick Martin is third from the right. Bertie Foxlee is on the left. Bottom - 22nd June 1943 Hungaria restaurant in London following the…

A list of names with five numbers underneath. Handwritten above is a single letter.
Below is a list of heights of each of the five lines of aircraft.
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