Browse Items (64 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "England--Bournemouth"

He writes to Lynne about her holiday in Bournemouth, his brief trip to Andover to see Euny, he called in at his old firm and saw old friends and finally he mentions Stan and his letter.


Autobiography of his early years. Mostly his training in the States.
Also included is an extract from Eleanor Roosevelt's diary, dated September 24, 1942. This includes a thank you letter from RAF trainees who were treated to American hospitality by…

Writes about leave and catches up with family matters and travel arrangements.

Covers joining the RAF, training as an engineer and first posting to RAF Christchurch which undertook radar research. Writes of life and flying as observer in Fairey Battle on radar measurement flights. The unit then moved to RAF Defford. Goes on to…

A list of addresses where F G Bower stayed interspersed with names and addresses of colleagues.

A letter referring to the night of the crash and George's subsequent escape via Switzerland. He was caught while trying to get to Spain and sent to Paris. After the war he worked for the post office in Calgary.

Says he is back and would be flying that night. Mentions visit to Bournemouth and seeing film. Writes about colleague waiting for demob. mentions his new second pilot from New Zealand.

Writes of overpayment of uniform allowance and suggest paying back in instalments.

Deals with matter of overpayment of uniform allowance.

Beginning of the year daily entries describe weather, training and activities at Medicine Hat. Course finished mid February and takes leave to see female friend in United States before travelling to St Johns. Voyage in convoy back to United Kingdom…

Mentions he recently sent a telegram and it would not be long before he saw them as he had seven days leave coming. Asks for news of friends and asks about food shortages at home. Mentions items he had brought back. Explains what he is doing and his…

Thanks them for parcel and comments on contents. Includes addresses that he could remember and promised to send others later. Continues with family matters. Says he had no idea when he will move on.

Writes that he has tonsillitis but is getting treatment. Mentions war situation in Egypt and that he might be sent there for operations. Comments on training they were getting with lectures and shooting with various weapons. Catches up with…


Informs her that Air Ministry has instructed them to issue sums due to her husband in respect of RAF pay and asks for details of his bank account.

Thanks her for her letter concerning her husbands bank account and they were in communication with the Air Ministry about her financial position.

January 1945 for war service incremental.

Payslip for Jan 1945.

Payslip for February 1945.

Payslip for March 1945 war service incremental.

Payslip for March 1945.

Payslip credit balance on commissioning for April 1945.
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