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  • Tags: physical training

Two photographs of groups of airmen doing gymnastics near the bottom of London Road, Grand Parade, St Leonards on Sea. Albert Edward Millson is front right.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.…

Harry joined the Royal Australian Air Force on 25 June 1942 as a wireless operator/air gunner, receiving his initial training in Australia before going to Canada for trade training. He sailed on the SS Johan Van Barneve to San Francisco and recalls a…

List a variety of activates with cadets from January to June in 1942. Includes: boxing, football, promotions, PT classes, talks, drill, navigation, inspections. route marches, church parade, running maths, wing parade, collection, swimming, and fire…

Three photographs.
A group of airmen undergoing physical training. On the reverse 'Newquay 1942 ITW'.
A second and third photograph have on the reverse 'Newquay Jan. 1942. ITW'.
IN the background of one is the New Theatre & Cafe.

Thanks her for parcel. Not much news. Comments on weather and PT, running in local area. States he was going on Halifax.

Gives account of time at Bridlington which included training on basic navigation, bomb aiming, wireless operating and morse code. Also included physical training and drill. Mentions training on machine guns and then moved on to Lindholme, Pembrey,…

Describes training at Bridlington, Lindholme and Sandtoft including navigation, Morse code, wireless and radio, basic piloting and gunnery as well as physical training. Mentions move to Bridgnorth. Finally to Pembrey for training on aircraft, moving…

Card issued to Peter Baxter and others to authorise them to wear cycling clothes during the station fitness runs.

Ten airmen arranged in two rows on the beach. They are dressed for physical training. On the reverse 'Torquay 1942'.

The three men are sitting on the beach at Torquay. They are dressed for physical training.

A card issued to John for recording his fitness.

Certificate for Tommy Knox, after the completion of eight weeks training in gymnastics, swimming, boxing, games, theory and sports organisation.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are…

Two RAF forms issued to William Jones.
Form 1835A Physical Fitness Record.
Included is 'Achievement Scales' with annotations in the Good range.
Form 667B Flying clothing card.

Margaret Cuthill's account of her time in the WAAF. At the age of 17 she volunteered for the WAAF and was enrolled as a teleprinter operator. She was sent to Wilmslow for training. After four weeks of drill and physical exercise she was posted to…

Four lines of boys doing physical jerks. To the right and instructor standing on his own. Image is double exposed with faint image of buildings. Reported as Stowe school.

Letter and envelope from Harry Redgrave to his wife Jessie. Harry has passed his Maths exam and is on the list to be sent to Prestwick (after an initial confusion).

Thanks her for parcel and states he has received first pay. Asks after his son and goes on to describe training and food. Discusses financial affairs and mentions other nationalities that are training.

Charles McNally spent his childhood in Dundee and Airdrie, Scotland. He began work at the Post Office as a Telegram Boy before joining the engineering department. This meant he now worked in a Reserved Occupation and he struggled to get permission…

Margaret Habberfield was born in 1923. Aged 16 she joined the Royal Air Force, having declared her age as 18. She began her six-week general training at RAF Harrogate and was billeted with around 20 other girls. Margaret was then posted to RAF…

Writes that is not possible to meet and cannot get leave. mentions tetanus shots and clothes coupons. Writes that he has a new pilot as his own was killed recently. Complains of too much training flying. but has done three operations recently to…

He writes of activities at RAF Silverstone and encloses a bank statement from the National Provincial Bank Limited showing he is £149.9.7 in credit.
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