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  • Tags: 5 Group

A letter from Air Officer Commanding Alec Coryton to Patch. He compliments 50 Squadron on their bombing successes. He mentions Oxley who was the Commanding Officer of 50 squadron.

Map showing route to Schweinfurt with numbers (squadron and squadron letter, aircraft registration and location) indicating crash sites of lost aircraft. On the reverse '5 Group Operation to Schweinfurt April 26/27, 1944, Route taken and crash sites…

Part of document - includes medical officers certificate - recommendation for commission. Followed by similar document with different signatures but same recommendations and extra remarks. Both signed by WRP Perry.

Chapter 8 - Overture and Beginners. Gives account of time on OTU at RAF Lossiemouth. Includes ground instruction, crewing up and description of station and training on Wellington. Writes about a fatal crash he sees and about some of his sorties.…

Details meteorological report requirements for flights. Covers rules for making and recording observations in the air, and actions on completion of flights, States that Squadron navigation officers and station meteorological officers are responsible…

Certificate for an operation to Modane showing a Lancaster with the names of Sergeant Woolley's crew and signed by Ralph Cochrane, AOC 5 Group.

A story about false signals from Monica radar.

Describes how his aircraft was shot down on an operation to Revigny by an Me 110 night fighter. He baled out. and was captured. After being interrogated he became a prisoner of war. In February 1944, as the Russians advanced, he and his fellow…

Reconnaissance photograph showing the Munich Residenz gutted. Captioned between pages 66-67 of 1956 Memoir '[underlined] Munich [/underlined] after 5 Group of Bomber Command raid 24th April 1944 [written vertically down left hand side of page]'. On…

Article 1 refers to funding for the Bomber Command museum at Hendon from RAF Swinderby.
Article 2 is a wartime memoir by Ivor Cole, 103 Squadron.
Article 3 describes some of the exhibits at the new Hendon museum.

Details of operation to Berlin on 15/16 February 1944. Gives numbers of Bomber Command aircraft involved for 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 Groups. Details other targets - spoof to Frankfurt, Mosquitos to Aachen and mine laying. Weather, Enemy raid reaction -…

Cover of book only. Notes not to be taken into the air and designated Secret.

A Top Secret document referring to the operation to the Ruhr dams. There is a general section describing the purpose of the operation, a section on defences and the priorities of the attack. There is a list of 19 aircraft and their crew from 617…

States that photograph shows. Mentions first abortive attack on 29 October 1944, second cancelled for weather and the final successful attack on 11 November 1944.

To officer commanding Conningsby Base RAF Woodhall Spa passing on congratulations on success of Saumur tunnel operation.

telegram notification that Lancaster ME360 failed to return from an operation to Leipzig. Lists the crew and their next of kin.

5 Group operation order No B.976. Provides explanation for attack on Ruhr Dams, enemy defences, 20 special Lancaster from 617 Squadron, routes to be flown by all three waves. Goes on with detailed plan of attack, method and timing. Continues with…

Top - explanatory note explaining that our crews contributed to D-Day.
Top left - newspaper cutting providing account of plan for attack on Merville battery including saturation bombing by Lancasters and ground attack. Goes on with account of actual…

Description of three (one aborted due to weather) operations against Tirpitz, photograph of crew on return from sinking Tirpitz, poor photocopy of target photograph of attach on Tirpitz. Account of operation on E & R boat pens at Ijmuiden along with…

Detailed operation order from group to 102, 77, 10, 158, 466, 640, 76, 78, 51 and 578 Squadrons with numbers of aircraft required. Target "Whitebait". Gives detailed instructions, routes, bomb loads, wave orders, fuel loads, window carriage, route…

Top - a note explaining the railway plan in preparation for Operation Overlord, attacks on French railway system.
Top left - extract from Ned Sparkes's logbook from 1 March 1944 to 29 March 1944 with operations to Trappes, Le Mans (twice), Brest,…

Lists airmen under headings promotions, promotion correction, results of courses, marriages and movements to the unit.
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