Meteorological reports for cross country flights



Meteorological reports for cross country flights
Section "B", Sub-Section VIII. Meteorological. Order No. 1


Details meteorological report requirements for flights. Covers rules for making and recording observations in the air, and actions on completion of flights, States that Squadron navigation officers and station meteorological officers are responsible for training of crews.




One-page typewritten document


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Page No…………………….62.

[underlined] SECTION ‘B’ [/underlined]
[underlined] SUB-SECTION VIII. METEOROLOGY [/underlined]
[underlined] ORDER NO. 1. [/underlined]

[underlined] Meteorological Reports for Cross Country Flights. [/underlined]

1. The training of aircraft crews in the recording of weather information during cross country flights is of great importance. Crews are to be detailed to practice weather observations on all operational and navigational flights over England and the surrounding sea.
2. Arrangements have been made by the Group Meteorological Officer for instructions to be given on the weather observations required, and the method of entry on Form 2330. Facilities will be given to all concerned for these instructions to be given.
3. for flights beginning at stations in No. 5 Group, Meteorological Officers will prepare the Meteorological report on the front of the Form 2330 (revised) upon request and [underlined] at least [/underlined] half an hour’s notice of an intended flight is to be given. For flights commencing from other stations, the instructions laid down in paragraph 2 of A. M. O. A. 14/39. are to be followed.
4. The making and recording of observations in the air is to be the responsibility of the navigator; observations should, if possible, be made at intervals of about 75 miles, and in addition special phenomena should be recorded at the time of the occurrence.
5. On the completion of the flight, the navigator is to hand the Form 2330 to the Station Intelligence Officer who in his turn is to pass it to the Meteorological Officer with the minimum of delay. The Meteorological Officer has separate instructions for the disposal of Form 2330.
6. Squadron Navigation Officers, in conjunction with Station Meteorological Officers, are to be responsible for the supervision of training crews. In order to check that Form 2330 are being passed to the Meteorological Office, arrangements have been made for Meteorological Officers to render a weekly return to Station Commanders giving particulars of all Forms 2330 which have not been returned to them.


“Meteorological reports for cross country flights,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed October 22, 2024,

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