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  • Tags: Me 110

The pilot who was credited with shooting down Reg Wilson's Halifax.

Cash book but contains notes on: medicines/chemicals on first page. Followed by general notes and outline diagrams on Stirling, Halifax, Me-110, Dornier 215 & 217 and Hudson aircraft. Continues with flight engineer's notes on a large number of…

A newspaper article about an attack on Munich. It is annotated 'No 14 2/10/43'.

Describes how his aircraft was shot down on an operation to Revigny by an Me 110 night fighter. He baled out. and was captured. After being interrogated he became a prisoner of war. In February 1944, as the Russians advanced, he and his fellow…

Rear quarter view of a large model of Lancaster CF-E in an office with desk, chair and model of a Me-110 in the background.

Five images of a Me 110. All have 'Messerschmitt Me 110' on the reverse except #4.
#1 Frontal silhouette
#2 Port side silhouette
#3 Identical port side silhouette
#4 Port side photograph
#5 Underside silhouette.


Photo 1 is a front/port side view of a flying aircraft.
Photo 2 is two ground crew working on the nose of an aircraft.
Photo 3 is a port side view, on the ground.
Photo 4 is a front/port view from underneath.


Photo 1 is a starboard/rear view of the Me 309, a nosewheeled single seat fighter.
Photo 2 is a port view of the twin engined Me 410.

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Starts with hand drawn map of Normandy marking main towns. The author records his experience on or around D-Day of bailing out of an aircraft shot down and on fire, and the subsequent aid given to him by the French Resistance. He also records a…

Front quarter view of an airborne Me 110.


Side view of an airborne Me 110 in RAF markings.


View from below of an airborne Me 110 with RAF markings.


Photographs 1 and 2 are of a Junkers 352 with RAF roundels. Photograph 3 is of a Me 110 radar equipped night fighter with RAF roundels. Photograph 4 is of a Me 262 with radar aerials on its nose. Photograph 5 is a Ju88 night fighter Photographs 6 and…

Letter from the pilot of Barry's aircraft relating events during operation to Leipzig on 19 February 1944. Describes attacks by Me 110, Barry wright being wounded and refusing to leave his post. Urges them not to worry about his wounds. Mentions that…

Bill writes of flying activity, or lack of it when flights are abandoned or postponed. Mentions visit of circus comprising Ju 88, Me 110 and Heinkel which gave flying demonstration and after he was able to look over them. Was not impressed with crew…

Text for a lecture. Joined RAF as air observer in June 1941. List initial training postings, conversion to Halifax, crewing up and posting to 102 Squadron at RAF Pocklington in May 1943. Describes preparation for operations and lists 6 operations…

Describes night battle with two Me 110 when all Lancaster's lights came on when electrical system was hit. mentions actions of wireless operator and air gunners one of whom was badly wounded.

J A Doxsey’s RAF Observer’s and Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book from 5th October 1939 to 25th January 1944, recording training and operations as a Wireless Operator/Air Gunner, and Transport Command ferry duties across Africa, Brazil and USA.…

William Taylor joined the Royal Air Force in 1942 as ground crew. He remustered as an air gunner and flew operations with 103 Squadron from RAF Elsham Wolds, flying Lancasters. His Aircraft was attacked and shot down by a night fighter in July 1944.…

Tom Marchant had always wanted to fly and at eighteen joined the RAF as a Wireless Operator Air Gunner but was remustered as Flight Engineer after his initial postings to Warrington and Squires Gate Airfield, Blackpool. He describes his very first…

Steve Ellams is the son of a wireless operator who flew in a number of different aircraft. During the war he flew initially in Sunderlands overseas before being posted back to the UK. He started operational flying in Bomber Command with 199 Special…
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