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  • Tags: sport

Letter from Jim Cahir to his friend Mary Egan detailing his plane being shot down, his capture and his time in a prisoner of war camp.

An autobiography of Jim Taylor's time in the RAF before the war. He spent time training with Oliver Bell, who is recorded in the memoir.

A wartime log kept by Jim Tyrie. He lists his crew on the night they were shot down over Berlin, the construction of tin trays, addresses of co-prisoners, cartoons, London restaurants, newspaper cuttings in German and English and finally more…

The story of John Martin's last operation, how he was shot down, escaped the aircraft and was captured. He was interrogated at Dulag Luft in Frankfurt then transferred to various Stalg Luft camps. His story covers in his life until he was repatriated…

Writes he is very tired having had to put out fires all night and get up early. Describes daily routine. Complains he has had no letter from her for 5 days. States maths exam went well and now no more exams until end of course. Continues on 16/1/41…

Number 12. Notes her letters 1, 2, 3 and 5 arrived. Catches up with news of family/friends. Asks he to let him know if she has any problems getting his personal kit. Writes he will be playing soccer, feeling fit. Pleased Frances is making progress…

Number 13. Writes that her letters 1-5 arrived. Says post could be delayed both ways and suggest she send one letter a week. Notes that ration cuts have been restored and regular Red Cross parcels arriving. Says he is now feeling much better and has…

Number [censored]. List letters that have arrived and mentions one from Swiss friend promising parcel soon. Food situation now better than it was in first month when there were no Red Cross parcels. [censured lines]. More about food and sport. Time…

Number 42. Complains of lack of mail. Life uneventful apart from cold weather. Writes about practising violin in latrine. Hoping for photographs of daughter Frances. Notes some prisoners have had optimistic letters. Mentions ice rinks but lack of…

Number 43. Hopes he will get more letters from her. Mentions going to officers compound for show but with restrictions on speaking to anyone. Reports very cold weather but is able to keep small room warm even with small coal allowance. Mentions he…

Number 44. Mentions no mail from her and nothing to report. Describes constructing ice rink for own barrack. Mention ice hockey rink monopolised by Canadians and Poles.

Number 47. Still no letter from wife but her parcel has arrived. Has now got all the clothing required just needs socks. Thanks her for included rug for which he is very grateful and would like another if he is there for another winter. Mentions…

Number 56. Thanks her for 200 cigarettes and has discovered the source of books sent although one was banned. He writes that he feels fitter as he has started playing football. He is anxious to hear her truthful thoughts of when she thinks he will…

Number 4. Reports arrival of anonymous parcels of tobacco and request she trace senders and thank them. Writes he is trying to play soccer once a week to keep fit.

Number 8. Has received no mail. Mentions health, playing soccer and two hours a day on violin. He is dabbling in agriculture but Dutch is slipping. Writes he is getting fed up with his Dutch room mates. Mentions discover of lice and upcoming…

Number 15. Records letters that he has received and mentions how valuable they are to him. Mentions that typewritten ones seem to arrive quicker. Says he has a new violin teacher. Writes he is looking forward to more photographs, that he is…

Number 22. Reports arrival of parcels and asks her to send thanks. Attended concert three times out of five showings. Played rugby and scored try. Will be 31 tomorrow.

John's day by day record of his work at RAF Maipur. It covers the RAF 'strike' and his return to the UK

Intermittent record of John's time at RAF West Kirby then Blackpool for training. He covers the sail from Liverpool to Durban, then India, first Bombay then train to Karachi. Once established at RAF Mauripur he records his daily work and…

He has been playing sport and sitting exams.

He is well and waiting for parcels, preferably cigarettes.

A description of travelling in convoy on the Highland Princess with 1,700 other Royal Air Force and British Army personnel. Including details of the onboard conditions, weather, a stopover, gun duty, attending lectures and wildlife sightings.…

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Starts with account of movements in RAF for 1941. Continues lwith entries for daily activities. Embarks Greenock, Leaves Milford Haven on 8 January for voyage across Atlantic and describes voyage to Canada. Arrives Moncton 20 January describes daily…

Relates that Ken Hicks took up sailing in Egypt on the Great Bitter Lake, and subsequently took part in sailing competitions back in the United Kingdom


Harold Jack Lazenby's autobiography.

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