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  • Tags: wireless operator / air gunner

Montage showing various members of Bratley family with caption 'Happy Christmas 2000'. Includes photograph of Harold in uniform at the bottom.

Confirms that her husband was missing believed interned in occupied France. Mentioned that his aircraft was believed to have force landed owing to engine failure.

Gives personal details and list of postings. Notes at one stage missing believed intered.

Relates early life and employment before the war. Was RAF reserve and was called up at beginning of the war. Mentions training including operational training unit before joining 9 Squadron. Includes letter describing in some detail his first…

Warrant Officer Thomas McMahon's service and release book from 26 August 1940 to 29 January 1946.

Observer's and air gunner's flying log book for Thomas McMahon covering the period 29 December 1940 to 31 August 1942. Details his training and operational duties. He flew one night time and one daylight operation with 77 Squadron in Whitley aircraft…

Alan writes that he is being transferred to Edmonton, Alberta. He will be taking courses in navigation, air bombing and wireless operator/ air gunnery.

RAF Form 2520A issued to HB Sproates with brief details of his service record.

Harrison Sproates’ Flying Log Book as wireless operator from 3rd January 1941 until 29th May 1944. Training was at No. 2 Signals School, No. 1 Air Gunnery School, and 13 Operational Training Unit. Posted to 244 Squadron for operations in the Middle…

Harry joined the Royal Australian Air Force on 25 June 1942 as a wireless operator/air gunner and received his initial training in Australia before going to Canada for his trade training.

He sailed on the SS Johan Van Barneve to San Francisco and…

Group of 6 airmen in uniform in formal pose standing in front of an aircraft. The letters LN-B are visible on the aircraft. All 6 men are wearing side caps. Three men on the front row are wearing flying jackets. Reverse annotated with: '99 Sqn…

Seven airmen grouped under the starboard engine of their Lancaster.
On the reverse -
'103 Sq
F/Lt Hopps (Pilot)
F/Sgt Jonny Roberts (Nav)
Sgt Imeson Bob (Flt Eng)
P/O Olsberg (Bomb Aimer)
Sgt Red Black (AG)
Sgt Ray Thomas (WT/AG)
Sgt James…

Top left, annotated 'The crashed Lancaster 29 August 1944';
Centre, a group of seven airmen standing under the fuselage of a Lancaster, wearing Mae Wests, annotated from left 'Jack Crawford, Doug Looms, Dave Cook, Tom Dykins, Bert Jackson, Paul…

Top row, from left;
A group of 13 uniformed airmen arranged in two rows outside an open window in a tile fronted building. Seven are standing all with half caps with six seated in front, including two officers. The individuals are annotated, from…

From top left,
A group of 13 uniformed airmen arranged in two rows outside an open window in a tile fronted building. Seven standing all with half caps and six seated in front, including two officers. The individuals are annotated, from the top…

A group of 13 uniformed airmen arranged in two rows outside an open window of a tile fronted building. Seven are standing, all with half caps and six seated in front, including two officers. The individuals are annotated, from the top left 'F/S's…

Top left, sergeant's mess card and Jacks berthing card;
Bottom left, a collection of autographs;
Centre left from top, a poem, leave pass, list of alcohol purchases and graduation banquet programme;
Centre right, sketches including King Neptune…

Covering the period 3 December 1941 to 1945 it details Jack's initial training, sailing from New Zealand to Canada and subsequent train journey, visiting a fox farm, canoeing, taking exams and getting the results and trips in the snow. Qualifying as…
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