Phillip Ward’s Royal Canadian Air Force Observer’s and Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book.



Phillip Ward’s Royal Canadian Air Force Observer’s and Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book.


Phillip Ward’s Flying Log Book as an Air Gunner/Wireless Operator and Bomb Aimer from 14th April 1941 until 24th August 1945. Initial training at No. 2 Wireless School, RCAF Calgary, then No. 2 Bombing and Gunnery School and 20 Operational Training Unit. Posted to 460 Squadron for operations. Air Bomber training with 1481 Flight. Further posting to 1656 Conversion Unit for Lancaster conversion. Returned to 460 Squadron where he completed his first tour.

In April 1944 posted to Royal Australian Air Force Detachment in the United States before posting to 24 Squadron, RAAF, in Australia. On completion of second tour posted to RAAF Headquarters.

Served at RCAF Calgary, RCAF Mossbank, RAF Lakenheath, RAF Lossiemouth, RAF Breighton, RAF Binbrook, Smyrna Army Airfield (Tennessee), Midland Army Airfield (Texas), RAAF Fenton (Northern Territories).

Aircraft flown were Norseman, Moth, Battle, Dominie, Proctor, Wellington, Anson, Halifax, Oxford, Lancaster, B-24 Liberator, Beech AT-11, Hudson, Walrus, Catalina, Beaufort.

With 460 Squadron, carried out 31 bombing and mining night operations. Targets included Saint-Nazaire, Cologne, Essen, Emden, Terschelling, Bremen, the Dutch Coast, Duisburg, Düsseldorf, La Rochelle, Mannheim, the Baltic Sea, Hamburg, Lorient, Milan, Wilhelmshaven, Berlin, Plzeň. His pilots were Pilot Officer Hancock, Squadron Leader Osborn, Flight Sergeant Saint-Smith, Flight Sergeant Frecker Flight Sergeant Murray, Warrant Officer Boyle, Squadron Leader Campling and Wing Commander Martin.

Flying with 24 Squadron, RAAF, he flew 19 day operations in the Far East. Targets included shipping, Ambesia, Timor, Boro Boro, Pare Pare, Manatuto, Mendalan Power Station in Java, Laga, a Natori Class Cruiser off Soemba, Tawao and Tarakan. His pilots were Flight Lieutenant Parsons, Squadron Leader Nichols, Wing Commander Bell and Group Captain Kingwell.



One booklet


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Great Britain. Royal Air Force, “Phillip Ward’s Royal Canadian Air Force Observer’s and Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book.,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed October 23, 2024,

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