Browse Items (94 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Netherlands--Rotterdam"

Printed leaflet in German.

Five Group Newsletter, number 29, December 1944. Includes a foreword by the Air Officer Commanding, and articles on tactics, operations, gardening, signals, navigation, this month's bouquets, radar navigation, air bombing, engineering, training,…

First - over 400 times they led the way. Article about RAF Pathfinders. Crest and details about 35 Squadron. Also mentions 7, 83 and 156 Squadrons as nucleus of force in August 1942. Mentions some of their attacks and numbers of decorations awarded.…

Propaganda booklet about total war containing photographs quotes and text about bombing.

Describes growing up in the Netherlands before the war. Writes of the political situation in the Netherlands before the war. Mentions the invasion by the Germans and subsequently describes life under occupation. Includes photographs of Rotterdam…

A resume of 'Jack' Whymark's family and service career. Includes extracts from Jack’s diaries, details from his logbook and histories of the crew and passengers of Lancaster PA278.

Sergeant Bronisław Soltysiak’s RAF Pilot’s Flying Log Book from 4 September 1940 to 13 August 1942, detailing his training and operations as a pilot. He was stationed at RAF Carlisle (No. 15 Elementary Flying Training School), RAF Stormy Down…

Disparages Field Marshal Milch’s statement from 19th May 1941 by referring to the superior strength of the RAF, the plane-building capacity of the United States and Canada, and war production of United Nations. Göring and Hitler still in power…

An aerial photograph showing a white cross on the background of a dark field with a broad white band running diagonally from left to top right. On the reverse 'Rotterdam Apr/May 1945. Cross is white sheets. 'Fingers bottom right in fact are Bullets…

An aerial vertical photograph of docks. On the right a series of interconnected canals and basins. A road runs from top right to middle bottom crossing the canal over narrow channel. A large basin goes from top left to the centre with several ships…

Aerial vertical photograph of docks. A wide river runs from top centre diagonally to bottom left. At the top an inlet and on the right side a road runs top to bottom. Below the inlet and between road and river is a large basin with docks running off…

Aerial vertical photograph of docks. On the left a river with opening to a dock basin. A number of docks with jetties lead of on the top side of the basin. There is a ship moored on the left of the second dock from left. A series of bomb explosions…

Aerial vertical photograph of Wilton Shipyards. On the left the Nieuwe Maas river with entrance to Vijfsluizen basin (Wiltonhaven). Several small craft are leaving it and spreading out on the river. Just inside the entrance, on the top side, several…

On the left an aerial vertical photograph showing a city with a river running through from left to right with port facilities on both sides. On the far side of the river towards the left is a small indented water basin with a few ships moored.…

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A vertical aerial photograph of the docks at Rotterdam. It is captioned '2208 W.S.29.12.44 //8" 16000 350° 1857 1/2 E Pens Rotterdam K . 1 HC 12000 DT C 30 secs F/O Leavitt R 617'.
On the reverse 'On loan P&R Darby Woodhall Spa'.

Observer’s, air gunner’s and W/T operators flying log book for R B Hatherly, wireless operator, covering the period from 6 December 1944 to 3 September 1945. He was stationed at 460 Squadron RAF Binbrook, RAF East Kirkby and 1 Advanced Flying…

Contains details of the nine operations Philip flew to Stettin, Hanau, Maresburg, Cologne, Bremen, Magdeburg, Wesserling-Klon, the railyard in Berlin and the Leuna oil refinery. Includes descriptions of targets, weather conditions, defences…

Royal Canadian Air Force flying log book for aircrew other that pilot for P G Thomas, Navigator, covering the period from 6 January 1944 to 2 October 1946. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and post war duties with 149 Squadron. He was…
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