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  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Germany--Mühlberg (Bad Liebenwerda)"

Reg summarises Bomber Command's role in the war then details his personal experiences from training days. He covers in detail the navigational techniques he used. He describes the operation he was on when he was shot down.

A card made for Doug's birthday whilst in Stalag IVB. It is signed 'From four Kreiges of Stalag IVB'. There is a poem and it is further signed 'Lew, Mac, Bob, Benny'. It contains an Old Gold cigarette wrapper.

Prisoner of war documentation for James Lee with some personal details. Aircraft Lancaster, shot down 15 August 1943. Sent to Stalag IVB.

Three photographs of the entrance to Stalag IVB.
#1 showing tower, walls and gates.
#2 showing huts, sentry posts and barrier. A watchtower is in the background.
#3 is of German guards marching in and out of the camp.

Six views of Ted's box used for storing badges.
#1 has F/Sgt Thornhill on the front with flags of the USA, United Kingdom and USSR on the top.
#2 has F/Sgt Thornhill on the front.
#3 is the side with Stalag IVB.
#4 is the back showing the…

Head and shoulder prisoner of war identification photograph of a Royal Air Force pilot, head shaved, looking straight at the camera. A blackboard on a wooden beam reads “222482/IVB, Bartlelt [Bartlett] Henry and “22465”, arranged vertically on…

Jack Bell joined the Royal Australian Air Force as a wireless operator/air gunner and joined 216 Squadron, at Heliopolis, near Cairo. He flew in Valentia and Bombay aircraft in a transport role. On an operation over Libya, his aircraft was shot down…

He writes that he has received a letter from them, his first in 12 weeks. He asks after family and friends.

He has received two letters and a cigarette parcel. He wishes his parents a Merry Christmas.
[part of the letter is missing]

She writes that all is well and they are thinking of him. They have had a bumper apple crop. She wishes him a Merry Christmas.

She writes that she has sent cigarettes. She talks about family and friends.

She writes that there are signs of spring starting. Family and friends are asking for him. Taffy has sent a cigarette parcel.
There is also a note from Rosie.

His mother writes that they have received a letter from him. In this Doug wrote in July 1944 that he has received letters and cigarettes. She writes with news about families and friends.

Doug's mother writes that they have received a postcard from him. She tells him his letters cheer them up and he has to keep smiling. She has sent him a parcel.

His mother writes about his friends, his personal belongings, some books being sent to him, a lady knitting socks for him and a photo that they have had taken. They write about the chickens and tomatoes.

The letter includes a section written by his Aunt Harriet. His mother continues the letter with news about friends.

His mother writes, as always, with news of friends and family. She has posted him a parcel of cigarettes.

His mother writes they have received letters from Doug. She mentions news from family and friends.

His mother writes with news of family, friends and their ducks.

His mother writes hoping is fit and well. She includes news of family and friends. She has been sending parcels of cigarettes and asks if he has received them.

His mother writes hoping he is well. They have received a postcard from him. Included is news of family, friends and chickens.

They write with news of family and friends.

They write about family, friends and poultry. His father hopes he has received their parcels.
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