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  • Tags: target indicator

Low level oblique aerial photograph showing building left of centre inclined downward with large flare bursting in the left edge. On the reverse 'Mirror Reversed, Cam 4, Neg 2, Ops 142, Daylight/night attack on La Ricamerie, date 10/11-3-44, Sqdn…

Low level oblique aerial photograph showing building left centre inclined upward a with large flare bursting in the centre of image. On the reverse 'Mirror Reversaed, Cam 4, Neg 4, Ops 142, Daylight/night attack on La Ricamerie, date 10/11-3-44, Sqdn…

Low level oblique aerial photograph showing building left centre with large flare bursting in the centre of image. On the reverse 'Cam 3, Neg 4, Ops 142, Daylight/night attack on La Ricamerie, date 10/11-3-44, Sqdn 617, pilot W/C Cheshire DSO, DFC,…

Low level oblique aerial photograph showing building right centre with large flare bursting in the centre of image. On the reverse 'Cam 3, Neg 3, Ops 142, Daylight/night attack on La Ricamerie, date 10/11-3-44, Sqdn 617, pilot W/C Cheshire DSO, DFC,…

Low level oblique aerial photograph showing a line of three buildings centre right inclined downwards. There is a bright trail on the left side. On the reverse 'Mirror - reversed, Cam 4 neg 2, ops 142, Daylight/night attack on La Ricamerie, date…

A sequence of three inclined aerial photographs showing a group of buildings with a large flare bloom above them. Cheshire's aircraft is moving towards the top of the images with final image just showing flare. On the reverse '[..] 4086B'

Inclined aerial photograph showing a line of buildings with flare bloom on bottom edge and a smaller one top centre, On the reverse '139 Neg 1, Rhone Gnome Wks Limoges, 8.2.44, 617, W/C Cheshire DSO, DFC, W/C Cheshire marking target, mirror camera'.

Date: 4/5 July 1944, target, zero hour 0130 hours. Lists leader and marker 1, Wing Commander Cheshire flying P-51. Marker 2 in Mosquito and 17 Lancaster carrying one tallboy bomb each.

Notes that despite allied bombing, V-1 campaign against London and South East continues. Notes decision to attack V-1 storage sites. 617 Squadron were to join 5 Group attack and use using 12,000 bombs to collapse roof of caves in which bombs were…

Date 25 June 1944, target, zero hour 0905 hours.Lists leader and marker 1 in P51, two more markers in Mosquito and 17 crews in Lancaster carrying tallboy bombs.

Date 24 June 1944, target, zero hour 1750 hours. Lists leader and marker no 2 crews in Mosquito and sixteen crews in Lancaster all armed with Tallboy bombs.

States that the next constructional works target was at Wizernes three or four miles south of St Omer. Reports two abortive sorties due to weather on 20th and 22nd June. Favourable weather forecast for 24 June. Two Mosquitos and 16 Lancasters took…

Explains that the enemy had brought much vaunted secret weapons into action including V2 missile. Five launching platforms were known to exits and 617 as a precision bombing squadron to destroy these sites. First target allotted was at Watten to the…

Describes planned timing to attack at the same time as the main force. Reports that weather was unfavourable. After initially cancelling the operation leader checked out weather at low level but decided low visibility and target defences precluded…

Account of operation against sheltered E-boats in Le Havre harbour. Tasks to assist Navy in their fight against E-boats who were operating against allied invasion forces. States pens would be invulnerable even to 12,000 lb bombs therefore, bombs…

Provides date - night 8/9 June 1944, target- railway tunnel and bridge, Saumur, zero hour - 0200. Leader and marker no 1 - Wing Commander Cheshire flying Mosquito. Lists pilot and navigator of two other markers flying Mosquito. Lists 25 other crews…

Relates that in response to request from the Army a planned operation was cancelled at late notice and replaced by operation against the railway tunnel at Saumur. As accurate bombing was required it was decided to use the recently available 12,000…

Before joining the Royal Air Force on 4 February 1942, Ernie worked as an apprentice joiner. On being called up he went to RAF Blackpool for training, which included Morse code. Following training at different places he then attended the advanced…

Edward Ernest Stocker (Ted) began his service with the RAF as a flight engineer on Halifaxes. He came to the attention of his Commanding Officer on his second operation when, before departure, he warned that they were carrying insufficient fuel to…

This was the operation on which Ian Wynn's aircraft was lost. Captain was Squadron Leader P R Turgel. Item contains: 1. A list of crews on the operation. 2. Map of routes to target. 3. Luftwaffe night fighter combat claims for 25/26 May 1943. 4.…

First operation to Montluçon 15 September 1943. Briefed as easy trip with little opposition. Arrived early and waited for Pathfinders, bombed from 8000 ft. Wing Commander Smith missing from operation reported hit by bombs. Operation 2, Mondane 16…
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