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  • Tags: bomb aimer

Two oblique aerial photographs with fields of view marked for 8" lens. #1 The image shows the coastline of Port Burwell, Ontario, Canada. #2 has similar marks but less annotation and shows fields. On the reverse of both 'On loan P&R Darby…

Seven airmen standing under their Lancaster port wing. On the reverse 'On loan P&R Darby Woodhall Spa. Dennis Oldman, 3rd from left'. Colin Cole, Wireless operator is second from right.

A group photograph taken in front of a Lancaster. Included is a list of some of the men.

Seven airmen grouped together. Edgar is circled in red. Each man and his trade are captioned. A further caption states 'At around the time the crew joined 156 Squadron'.

Seven airmen arranged in a group. Reg is circled in red. Each man is captioned and a second caption states 'At around the time the crew joined 156 Squadron'.

Seven airmen grouped together. James is circled in red. Each man and his trade are identified. The image is captioned 'At around the time the crew joined 156 Squadron'.

A group photograph with each man captioned. A further caption reads 'At around the time the crew joined 156 Squadron'.

A group of seven airmen. In a caption each man and trade is identified. In a second caption 'At around the time the crew joined 156 Squadron'.
Graham Aungiers is circled in red.

Six airmen standing at the tail of their Lancaster after the Tirpitz operation.
On the reverse the six have signed their name and handwritten is 'Nov 44 On return from the "Tirpitz" raid'.

617 Squadron flying programme, 11 December 1944. It lists personnel and their assigned aircraft.

Harold Jack Lazenby's autobiography.

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A list of ten airmen lost during the war. It covers surnames starting 'HO', identifying the men by surname, rank, forenames, service number, age, trade, date killed and burial details (where known).

Head and shoulders of Phil Hemmens with his name annotated on the front.
On the reverse 'Survived crash -died in Buchenwald. 152583. Bomb aimer. Willie. F/O Phil Hemmens'.

An account of the crash of Lancaster ND533 written by Pierre Madry. It is followed by an address given by Air Commodore Eustace at a ceremony for the crew of the Lancaster.
Finally there is an address by Abbe Plante, parish priest of Lyons-la-Foret,…

PGeorgeDB1710 copy.jpg
A medal awarded by the US Army to a marksman. Underneath are three bars for Pistol-D, Aerial Bomber and Aerial Gunner.

Five airmen standing in grass outside a hut.
Kneeling bottom right is Freddie Webber (Navigator).
On the reverse 'Arthur W/O Junior Pilot Roy Gunner
F Ruddin Navigator ? Merv Clark Bomb Aimer/Front Gunner'.

Five photographs. From top to bottom, left to right: #1: Three airmen in tunics, two with brevets, sitting on a couch. Captioned: 'FRIEND'. #2: A group of army and RAF servicemen, all wearing battledress, sitting and standing in two rows. Most have…
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