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  • Tags: pilot

An email to Reg Miles from John about a Lincoln at Cosford. It has a reputation for being haunted.

Provides list of crew and next of kin with addresses. Includes Acting Flight Lieutenant H L Fry.

A detailed Biography of Reg' service and post service life.

A brief biography of Grandad Miles. He spent the war in Dover repairing and constructing buildings. Reg discusses flying over Dover in bomber attacks near Boulogne.

The interior cockpit of a Lincoln with a double exposure effect pilot wearing an oxygen mask.

Three airmen at the rear of Halifax 'Victor'.
This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form: no better quality copies are available.

Les, in flying kit, standing beside a Halifax.
This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form: no better quality copies are available.

Les, sitting on a bomb, in flying kit.
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Three images of two airmen playing about with bombs.
Photo 1 and 3 are the same. One man has the finned end of a bomb placed over his head.
Photo 2 the fin is about to be placed over the head of a sitting airman.
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Les and Reg sitting on a row of bombs, captioned 'Les Lauzon Pilot and Reg Miles Flight Engineer'.
This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form: no better quality copies are available.

Two images of 432 Squadron arranged in nine or so rows in front and on top of a Halifax.
The first image is of the port side and the second is the starboard side.
In front is a bomb on a trolley with 'Easie Squadron' chalked on.
The images have…

Les standing at the rear gun turret of a Halifax. It is captioned 'Les Lauzon Pilot of V Victor who landed it on fire in France during the night of 12.6.44. All the crew baled out except Les and the mid-upper gunner who's parachute was burnt by flak,…

The two are in the cockpit of an aircraft, smiling at each other.

Three Canadian airmen standing in front of an aircraft. The caption at the top states 'Vic thanking Moose for find him + his crew after ditching from raid on Keil' and at the bottom 'Vic Motherwell Moose Heimpel'.

A head and shoulders portrait of an airman identified in the accompanying data as Krugger. His wearing a DFC ribbon.

Three pilots at a table. Smith has a DFC ribbon.

Two airmen sitting on the front of a stone building, captioned 'Don Nicklen Jim Tease'.
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Pilots flying log book for J Tease, covering the period from 13 June 1944 to 10 October 1944. Detailing his operations flown. He was stationed at RAF Tholthorpe. Aircraft flown was Halifax. He flew a total of 35 operations with 420 squadron, 14 night…

Seven airmen standing behind a large bomb on a bomb trolley after the crew's last operation. 'Whacko Bluey!' is chalked on the bomb. Bluey was a term applied to a redhead, in this case one of the ground crew.

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Frank Allnutt and crew aircrew posed in front of Wellington at 27 Operational Training Unit, RAF Lichfield. 'Back row l - r, Ken Brady, gunner, John Allnutt, gunner, Jack Smith, wireless operator, Ralph Williams navigator. front row l - r, John…

Pilot leaning out of the cockpit window of their Lancaster, there is a cartoon wallaby painted below the window and 22 operations recorded. The aircraft was called 'Wee Wally Wallaby' as it's squadron letter was W. The pilot is their captain John…

Six men wearing a variety of uniform standing in front of the starboard wing of a Hurricane. Another man sits up on the wing. In the background a hangar. Captioned 'Pilots and Ground Crew - RAF Abu Sueir'.
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Seven men, three sitting wearing Mae West over battledress with sergeants rank in front and four standing behind wearing battledress, two with side caps. The man second from right in back row is smoking a pipe and has pilot's brevet. The man to his…
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