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Air Council expresses regret that Pilot Officer Hedley Robert Madgett is missing as a result of air operations on night 17/18 August 1943. Lancaster aircraft failed to return. Does not mean he is killed, wounded and if a prisoner, should be able to…

A letter to David Geach's father advising him that his son is missing in action. The letter is signed by his Wing Commander. Included is a list of crew members and their addresses.

A letter of sympathy from the Air Ministry to David Geach's father expressing regret that his son is missing during operations.

Royal Canadian Air Force pilots flying log book for Hedley R Madgett, covering the period from 23 September 1941 to 15 August 1943. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RCAF Swift Current, RCAF Medicine Hat, RAF…

Annotated photograph with numbered parts showing instrument panel and lower portion of cockpit.

Lancaster with man on rear fuselage, another behind cockpit and two by starboard inner engine. In the foreground part of a tree and a bicycle on edge of dispersal. Behind the aircraft miscellaneous equipment. Aircraft letter 'S'.

One hundred plus aircrew sitting and standing in four lines in front of a Lancaster. In the background a hangar.

A homemade circular scale rule for calculating True Horse Power. On one side is a worked example complete with crossing outs and on the other are the different inputs required. The marker needles are missing.


A side view of a Lancaster on the ground. Behind are access stands.

Full length portrait of Bill Radford standing in front of his Lancaster. Handwritten on the reverse is '2of 7 PD330 Squardon Leader Bill Radford taken in front of his Lancaster at the conclusion of his 2nd Tour of Operations. Somewhere in England…

Notes: 'Lancaster III, ED6612, F/O Norton, Sgts Robinson, Palk, Sooter [sic], Wakefield, P/O Bradley'.

A minute by minute account of a night bomber operation on Germany. Found in the papers of an airman recently lost in action. Records every incident in flight of Lancaster.

Target photograph showing two Lancasters and anti-aircraft fire. Captioned 'a striking night picture taken during the RAF attack on Peenemunde aircraft research and radiolocation establishment on Aug. 17'.

Ken Johnson's crew. Captioned ‘LL91 QR-X “Xray” with Harry Watkins crew L-R Doug. Hockin (N) Fred Jowitt (E) Johnny Ware (W/O) Ted Ray (B/A) Front- Harry Watkins (P) Ken Johnson (MUG) Hugh Green (RG)’

Pilots flying log book for D E Owen, flight engineer, covering the period from 15 October 1942 to 5 August 1943. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAF Stradishall, RAF Mildenhall, RAF Lakenheath and RAF Scampton.…

Flying log book for aircrew other than pilot for James Stewart, navigator, covering the period from 17 July 1943 to 21 December 1945. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and post war flying duties. He was stationed at RCAF Portage la…

Flying log book for John W Eppel, navigator, covering the period from 12 May 1944 to 12 June 1945, detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at RAF Worksop, RAF Blyton, RAF Hemswell, RAF North…

A five page document recording Geoff's time in the R.A.F. from August 1943 until August 1949, in addition to his flying career as a pilot he undertook many other tasks as the aircrew training machine wound down.

Photograph of two airmen fitting bomb carrier below Lancaster bomb bay. on the reverse captioned 'Loading bombs England 1943'. '132 elsders'.

Photograph of Lancaster landing, runway caravan in middle distance, Lancaster parked in far distance.
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