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  • Tags: pilot

A mix of air and ground crew standing in front of a Lancaster. Additionally each man is named.

Seven crew, in flying kit, standing in front of a Lancaster. Each man is named on the reverse.

Lists the previous nine operations of Lancaster W4182 and recording that on an operation to Duisburg on the 20 December 1942 just after take off the aircraft collided with Lancaster W4259 from 44 Squadron. There were no survivors. The crews are…

Recollections and thoughts by Geoff Towers about his service with 158 Squadron, he was a rear gunner and flew in the Halifax, he flew 40 operations. He lists his crew, Bill Sharp Pilot, Mick Miller Bomb Aimer, John Sessions Navigator, Georg Fairless…

Crew posed in two rows in front of plain background. Crew are listed, Back row, Ken Casey (Australian Wireless Operator), Fred McCarten (Air Gunner), Geoff Towers (Air Gunner), George Fairless (Flight Engineer), Front row Mick Miller (Australian Bomb…

A spoof photograph of a crew of five aboard a flying carpet. The pilot is wearing a light coloured flying suit and using a broomstick as a control column. An airman is crouching over the pilot looking through a telescope, another sits beside a camera…

First, three men in uniform and side caps sat on a dead tree trunk in a clearing with a track and woodland beyond. Two of the men have brevets above their left breast pockets and the other has his pilot's wings.

Second, a group of 49 uniformed…

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A group of seven uniformed men, David second right, standing under the port wing of a Lancaster which has engine trestles by the wings. Three of the group are wearing officer's hats and the other side caps. Six show brevets above their left breast…

Geoff with four aircrew that he flew with. On the reverse captioned 'L to R Geoff Blamires - Nav, Doug Maycroft - Bomb Aimer, Den Barton - Flight Engineer, Frank Farnham - Mid upper gunner, Dennis 'Danny' Josey - Pilot. The last two are bracketed…

LH page, three aircrew wearing life jackets, standing underneath an aircraft, captioned, 'More celebrities of 103 Squadron. The Australian HENRY brothers mark 1, mark II & mark III. all three are pilots, Mark I and II finished their tours and were…

Head and shoulder portrait of George in uniform.

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George in the cockpit of an aircraft with an airman alongside.

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Form 543 recording George's personal details and service records covering the period 29 December 1937 to 30 June 1959.

Listing Flight Lieutenant George Albert James Frazer-Hollins's date of birth, previous service, appointments and promotions, postings, honours and awards.

Describing operations under fire and return in a damaged aircraft leading to award of the Distinguished Flying Cross.

Head and shoulder's photograph of George standing in front of a brick wall. On the reverse 'Flt/Lt GAJ Frazer-Hollins DFC 101 Squadron Ludford Magna Sept 1943'.

George wearing Sidcot suit, flying boots and gloves. He is holding his flying helmet with goggles around his neck. On the reverse 'Flt/Lt GAJ Frazer-Hollins DFC 101 Squadron Ludford Magna'.

Eight man crew with pilot. George, standing third left, standing in front of a Nissen hut. On the reverse 'Flt/Lt Frazer-Hollins and crew at Ludforf Magna about September 1943'.
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