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Photograph shows the breached sea wall at Flushing, captioned 'Flushing Sea Wall, Second supplement, K3265, Distribution 23B'. Caption at top of photograph: '3002 106G3317.12.OCT.44 F/36"//541 SQDN'.
Reverse has stamp 'Intelligence section RAF…

Photograph of railway yard, captioned 'Hanau Rail Center and Town, K3741 Dist 91C+', includes directional arrow. Bottom right caption: 2932. Top caption: '3042 106G.4272.14.FEB.45 F/36"//540 SQDN←'.

Photograph of a marshalling yard. Inverted caption: 'VAIRES M/Y Near Paris Imm Report K2665' includes directional arrow pointing north. Caption at top of photograph: '4063 106G.1316.8.JULY.44. F/36"//542SQDN←'.

Photograph shows coastline with fires burning, captioned 'Heligoland K4298, Dist 23c' including directional arrow. Caption at top of photograph: '4008 106G.5377.18.APR.45.F/36"//542 SQDN→ 4'. Caption in right hand bottom corner of photograph:…

A copy of 514 squadron's operational record. It lists the operations undertaken, tonnage of bombs dropped, number of sorties and the total number of aircraft lost.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better…

Air Marshal Arthur Harris, Commander-in-Chief of Bomber Command, sends a message to the German people. He describes the reversal of roles: Germany is now experiencing what British cities have experienced. The RAF is conducting an extensive campaign…

Top left - oblique aerial photograph of open countryside with fields and a few woods, dotted with farms. Many dark 'blots' which could be anti-aircraft fire bursts. Captioned 'A03 FEL 21.12.42//M8:1000 J.p.48'. Top right - oblique aerial photograph -…

Article stating that men aged 30, 31 and 32 were expected to register for military service in July 1940. Other headlines: RAF again bomb Italian base at Tobruk, Britain to take 3100 U.S. planes, sentry shoots, invasion soon: a Berlin report. Article…

Main article - covers order to middle east army by Lieutenant General Sir Archibald Wavell and Air Chief Marshall Sir Arthur Longmore to fight on and that Egypt had been asked to declare war on Italy. Other headlines: ford to make 6000 air engines,…


From M H Grundy mentions that he had seen Douglas's family and told them that he had received mail from Douglas and allowed them to read them. Continues with news of blitz on Manchester and his going to cinema as first visit since the bombing. Asks…

News sheet with details of the Southampton reunion in 1987, Recco Report -stories about ex-POWs, Obituaries, members reports, KLB Club for prisoners from Buchenwald and a flight in a Blenheim.

The news-sheet of the RAF ex-POW Association. This edition covers the recovery of a crashed Blenheim in Holland, Roy Winton's fourth visit to Barth in 2000, the proposed erection of a memorial to RAF POWs, the Fallingbostel memorial project,…

The news-sheet of the RAF ex-POW Association. This edition covers the POW memorial, Recco report -stories of ex-POWs, the Larry Slattery memorial fund, the Second World War experience centre, an article by Vitel Formanek about his visit to the UK, …

Owen Cox went to a grammar school in York and joined the Home Guard when the war started. At 18 he joined the Royal Air Force, although his parents were not keen. His initial trade was ground wireless operator (Morse), waiting to attend a gunnery…

Jimmy Graham was employed in a Reserved Occupation but volunteered with the RAF as potential aircrew. He began his training in Northern Ireland and was eventually qualified as an air gunner. He was posted to RAF Elsham Wolds. He took part in the…

Born in Manchester, Maurice was 20 years old when he joined up and volunteered for aircrew in 1940. He trained in South Africa, Canada (Moncton and Trenton), the Unites States (Lakeland), and was torpedoed in the Atlantic on his way back. Maurice…

Bob Smith was born in Brisbane, Australia. He recalls moving to the family farm in 1932 and being a member of the Air Cadets during his school years. Upon leaving school, Smith undertook training as a bank clerk. Following the events of Pearl…

Flying log book for Peter Lovatt covering the period from 12 April 1944 to 20 June 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAF Burnaston (16 EFTS), RAF Barrow/Walney Island (10 AGS), RAF Oulton (223 Squadron).…

Ken Turnham’s RAF Navigator’s, Air Bomber’s and Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book, from 27th October 1943 to 14th April 1945, recording training and operations as a Wireless Operator. Based at RAF Yatesbury (No. 2 Radio School), RAF Mona (No. 8…

Six men filling in a crater supervised by an airman. There is a lorry and a Lancaster in the distance.

Nose art on an aircraft. Donald Duck is holding a bomb, underneath is written 'Donald (Do'emover) Duck'. 27 bombs indicate 27 operations.

A navigation log produced by Fred Edwards for an operation to Nuremberg.
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