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  • Tags: 582 Squadron

Don Crossley was born in South Emsall in 1924. He tells of his time before the war working at Upton Colliery before joining the Royal Air Force. He volunteered and trained, initially, as a wireless operator/air gunner. He tells of his experience at…

Ted joined the air force in January 1938 as an apprentice at RAF Halton. This was accelerated because of the war, and he was posted to RAF Boscombe Down.
Although he wanted to be a pilot, Ted’s skills were needed as a flight engineer. He was…

John volunteered for the Royal Air Force as a pilot. He went to Lord’s cricket ground, followed by the Initial Training Wing at Scarborough. He spent 10 hours on Tiger Moths in Carlisle. After a short time at RAF Heaton Park in Manchester, John…

The Obituary describes his service and civilian career from training in the United States to his 105 operations. Awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross. He met his future wife, Isobel in Blackpool. Served in the Far East and demobbed in 1947.

Sidney Knott was from Leigh on Sea and recalls the day, with invasion apparently imminent, that signs were put up on the local shops advising people that they had to be ready to move within an hour and taking only one suitcase with them. Sidney’s…

Norman Neilson was an apprentice engineer at St Rollox Locomotive Works when he volunteered. He had originally wanted to join the Navy but joined the RAF because the only way he could be released from his position was to volunteer for aircrew. His…

Norman Shakesby was a radar mechanic on 405 and 582 Squadrons. Born in 1924, he was studying languages at The City School in Lincoln at the outbreak of the Second World War. His language teachers were quickly called up to act as interpreters, so on…

Clive Coombes grew up on Royal Air Force stations, eventually joining and serving for 37 years before retiring in 2014. During this time, he served across the globe, including in Australia and Germany, as a ground branch officer. Clive outlines his…

Top - target photograph showing smoke from bombs over most of frame and built up area top left. Captioned '3640, L.SGN, 21.3.45 " 8'.16800'103 BREMEN OSLEBHAUSEN Oil Refinery, S, 13MC500DT:4ANM64DT, C34 SECSI. F/O Quine; S: 582'.
Bottom - target…

Top - target photograph showing smoke from bomb explosions in centre with some built up area to top left. Captioned '3737 LSGN 24.3.45 Y 18000' ISO 13.19.18 STERKRADE E, 18MC500DT, C34SECS, F/O QUINE. H. 582'.
Bottom - target photograph showing…

Target photograph showing smoke from six bombs in built up area in centre of frame. Open countryside and fields all round. Captioned '3690, L.SGN, 22.3.45, 7", 15000, 048, 1492, DULMEN J, 18 MC 500DT. C31SECS, F?O QUINE, J, 582'.

From officer commanding 582 Squadron, informing her that her husband has failed to return from an operation over enemy territory on the night of 7/8 August 1944. Mentions that he was captain of experienced crew and comments on character. No further…

Informs her that her husband was missing as a result of air operations night 7/8 August 1944.

From Adjutant of No. 582 Squadron to Mrs Joan Wareing, He writes that he wanted to send a few lines of appreciation for Robert and his work and says that he also knew Robert’s brother Stanley. He says that they were both charming and had a keen…

Mentions formation of Pathfinder force. Gee, pulse phasing radar, new compasses. Continues with short note of H2S, OBOE. Lists locations and RAF stations.

Three stars on dark blue circle. Motto Praevolamus Desinante. On wooden background.

He writes that he has received a complaint from Mrs Joan Wareing regarding her request for documents pertaining to her husband’s car and the subsequent delay. He asked that the Air Ministry expedite the matter.

He thanks her for her telegram and letters and is delighted at the good news and sends her good wishes and a speedy reunion. He mentions two of her husband’s crew and the unofficial reports that they are back in England.

Writes thanking her for her letter and also the letter from Flying Officer Walkden about her husband. He also advises that he has been officially informed that two of her husband’s crew have arrived safely back in England but that there is no news…

Writes thanking her for her letter and informing her that she is still entitled to a travelling pass.

He writes thanking her for her letter and regretting that there is no further news of her husband and is unable to provide any information on the target of his operations. He hopes that good news will come soon.
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