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  • Tags: RAF Coningsby

Thomas' Notice Paper, Certified Copy of Attestation and Oath.

Squadron Leader Bill Williams's crew with 106 Squadron May 1944 to 3 September 1944 and with 9 Squadron September 1944 to March 1945.
'Vic' Prettejohns replaced original Flight engineer. Underneath is annotated the crew's names and positions.…

Sergeant A P Brander’s RAF Observer’s and Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book, from 17th August 1942 to 27th January 1944, detailing his training and operations as an air gunner. He did not record the names of some of the bases he flew from, but it is…

Report of last flight of DV400; lost 27th Jan 1944,” findings of Michael Warburton’s research into the crash of ‘DV400’. Concludes that DV400 was hit by another Lancaster that had been shot down by a German night fighter and subsequently…

An account by Mike Warburton (nephew of William Warburton) of how he made contact with the relatives of the other crew members of Lancaster DV400.

A speech given by Keith. He recalls his 30 operations and his time training at Scarborough, Brough and Canada. Initially a pilot he was reassigned as a bomb aimer. He was posted to East Kirkby. He details some of his operations.

Ralph Ottey was born in Jamaica in 1924. Raised by his grandparents, he describes his education and the family hopes that he would become a teacher. He left school at 16 and a half but was too young to attend teaching college so worked for his uncle…

Ralph Ottey joined the RAF from Jamaica. After the war he returned to Jamaica. However, he had met the woman he was to later marry while based in the UK and returned to settle here. He settled in Boston and had a long career with a local firm. On his…

Ralph Ottey recounts an occasion when he came to the rescue of a local lady who found herself in difficulty while swimming in the local river.

Brief Resumé of Initial Flying Training and operational experiences on 106 Squadron, led by Wing Commander Bob Allen DSO with sorties against the Scharnhorst and Gneisenau Battleships in the Port of Brest.

Mentions formation of Pathfinder force. Gee, pulse phasing radar, new compasses. Continues with short note of H2S, OBOE. Lists locations and RAF stations.

Second version of a brief Resumé of Initial Flying Training and operational experiences on 106 Squadron, led by Wing Commander Bob Allen DSO with sorties against the Scharnhorst and Gneisenau Battleships in the Port of Brest. Slight amendment to…

The letter refers to an erroneous posting then transfer to Waddington. He will be flying Manchesters. He is billeted with an old couple who don't tolerate drinking. He enjoyed seven days of leave in Coventry and surrounding towns.

Pilots flying log book one for R Wareing, covering the period from 26 February 1939 to 16 February 1942. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at RAF Waltham (aka RAF Grimsby), RAF Bexhill, RAF…

List of events covering joining the RAF, selection for pilot, training and start of operations.

Pilots flying log book for G H Dryhurst, covering the period from 29 August 1941 to 27 August 1942, when he was shot down and became a prisoner of war and from 20 July 1945. He was stationed at RAF Peterborough (17 EFTS), RAF Cranwell (RAF College…

Observer’s and air gunner’s flying log book for J D Harris, navigator, covering the period from 22 April 1942 to 26 November 1945. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at RCAF Ancienne Lorette,…

Top - two airmen, one wearing battledress, the other a tunic with pilot's brevet and both with peaked caps, standing behind the port tailplane of a Lancaster. Submitted with description 'P/O Jock Cassells and 2nd pilot, P/O E. White - both of 106…

A log book used as a scrap book. The photographs and documents cover his aircrew training from November 1943. It has sergeant's mess subscription cards, photographs, correspondence and cuttings.
Many of the entries are post war and a number refer…
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