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  • Tags: RAF Coningsby

An officer from the RAF Film Production Unit concerning someone from that unit conducting night filming from Lancaster.

A speech given by Keith. He recalls his 30 operations and his time training at Scarborough, Brough and Canada. Initially a pilot he was reassigned as a bomb aimer. He was posted to East Kirkby. He details some of his operations.

John Bell completed a tour as a bomb aimer with 619 Squadron. The crew decided they would like to continue flying and so volunteered to join 617 Squadron. They were interviewed by Wing Commander Leonard Cheshire and accepted on to the squadron. When…

Sheila Wilmet grew up in Liverpool and was fifteen when war was declared. She describes the devastation of bombing in 1941, spending nights in an Anderson shelter, and navigating unexploded bombs during her commute. She volunteered after viewing a…

A log book used as a scrap book. The photographs and documents cover his aircrew training from November 1943. It has sergeant's mess subscription cards, photographs, correspondence and cuttings.
Many of the entries are post war and a number refer…

Covering the period 3 December 1941 to 1945 it details Jack's initial training, sailing from New Zealand to Canada and subsequent train journey, visiting a fox farm, canoeing, taking exams and getting the results and trips in the snow. Qualifying as…

The letter refers to an erroneous posting then transfer to Waddington. He will be flying Manchesters. He is billeted with an old couple who don't tolerate drinking. He enjoyed seven days of leave in Coventry and surrounding towns.

Writes he had spoken to the wing commander and should be getting leave, asks if she could get time off. Writes of crew going out with friend for good feed in Boston. Mentions issuance.

Ralph Ottey recounts an occasion when he came to the rescue of a local lady who found herself in difficulty while swimming in the local river.

Ralph Ottey joined the RAF from Jamaica. After the war he returned to Jamaica. However, he had met the woman he was to later marry while based in the UK and returned to settle here. He settled in Boston and had a long career with a local firm. On his…

Ralph Ottey was born in Jamaica in 1924. Raised by his grandparents, he describes his education and the family hopes that he would become a teacher. He left school at 16 and a half but was too young to attend teaching college so worked for his uncle…

Episode 1: story of bomb aimer with hypoxia on operation to Hamburg on 30 January 1943. Episode 2: account of operations to Friedrichshafen on 20 June 1943 and Spezia on 23 June 1943. On first operation, Pathfinders from 97 Squadron suffered in…

Envelope from H Ansell to Flight Sergeant Ansell at RAF Conningsby

P M Edge’s Flying Log Book 2 from 30th December 1947 until 20th August 1956. Posted to No. 2 Air Navigation School on an Air Bomber Conversion Course to be a navigator. On completion of course posted to 201 Advanced Flying School and then 230…

P M Edge’s Flying Log Book 5 from 9th August 1966 until September 1977. Posted to Transport Command Examining Staff as navigator and route checker. Continued to serve with Air Support Command Examining Unit. February 1968 saw posting to 242…

The service record of Albert Thomas Smith covering the period from his enlistment on 15 January 1926 to discharge on 23 March 1953. It includes reference to Albert being twice mentioned in despatches and being awarded the British Empire Medal and the…

Wing Commander Guy Gibson, commanding officer of 106 Squadron, congratulating the squadron on a month of successful operations and the record tonnage of bombs dropped despite difficulties which were overcome by the ground crews. Anticipating…

Flying log book for J F Mills, Navigator, covering the period from 20 September 1942 to 24 September 1950. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and post war flying with 1332 heavy conversion unit, 246 squadron, number 23 reserve flying…
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