Browse Items (32 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1943-07-04"

This is a handwritten record book for 9 Squadron from 14/15 April 1943 to 10/11 November 1943.

For each operation it includes many details of the target, routes, bomb load, crews, a description of results, and if any did not return.

The last…

G. Dennett’s RAF Observer’s and Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book from 14/5/42 to 17/3/46, detailing training, operations and instructional duties as a Wireless Operator, Air Bomber, Air Gunner and Radar Operator. Based at: RAF Yatesbury (No. 2…

Report containing the damage to the docks and ships in Malta. Provides updates on the repairs and subsequent hits of both the ships and the docks.

Two framed drawings of a Lancaster with a reference to two operations.
#1 is the Spezia operation of 18/19 April 1943.
#2 is the operation at Cologne 3/4 July 43.
Each drawing has the names of the crew members and is signed by the AOC RA…

He comments on her last letter and complains that he is fed up.

List 20 operations between 22 March 1943 and 17/18 August 1943 of Stanley Shaw's crew.

Reports on exam results and says he is getting on well with his flying. Says he has been busy flying. States this was the first weekend he had not been to his girlfriend's house and missed their Sunday dinner. Says he will send some more photographs.…

Observer’s and air gunner’s flying log book for Eric Scott, bomb aimer, covering the period from 1 September 1942 to 4 January 1946. Detailing his flying training and operations flown as Air Bomber. He was stationed at RCAF Picton (31 Bombing &…

Reports arrival of latest letters. Discusses post war prospects, says Kenya idea lapsed but glad he could work at father's farm. Was glad that an offer had been made which he accepted. Mentions arrival of clothing parcel and lists content. Mentions…

Thomas Page’s flight engineer’s flying log book covering the period from 4 January 1943 to 12 December 1951. Detailing his flying training and operations flown as flight engineer and glider pilot. He was stationed at RAF St Athan (4 SoTT), RAF…

Letter from Terry Ford to his family. He writes about family, friends and colleagues, about his social activities and his exams.

Flying Officer A. Bonney’s Royal Canadian Air Force Flying Log Book for Aircrew other than Pilot, from 13th October 1942 to August 1944. Recording his training as an air gunner in Canada and England, two completed tours with 142 Squadron RAF based…

She writes of her containing house hunt and that she went to Exeter to look at houses with her father and of the difficulty in finding one for her and John. She also writes about the garden, her job and her Current Affairs Club where the speaker was…

Aerial photographs taken from directly above showing damaged buildings, the railway station, rail bridge over the Rhine and the cathedral. Captioned 'Cologne, AMPS/767/92 4-7-43'.

The Observer’s and Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book for Andrew Bain <br />
Covers the period from 26 June 1942 until August 1943. In June 1946 stamped by the RAF Central Depository ‘Death Presumed’. He qualified as an air gunner on the 31 October 1942 and as an observer on the 9 October 1942. He identifies his flying…
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