Browse Items (51 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "North America--Niagara Falls"

Top - an ice mound covered with people and waterfall in the background. Captioned 'American Falls of Niagara and ice mountain, © F H Leslie Ltd''.
Bottom left - view of large waterfall captioned 'American side horseshoe Falls of Niagara'.

Left - view from bottom of waterfall. Captioned 'American Fall from below Niagara Falls'.
Centre - a tall column monument with figure on top. Captioned 'Brock's Monument'.
Right - view of large rock below a waterfall. Captioned 'Rock of Ages,…

Top - view down flower bed with paths either side and trees in the distance. Captioned 'Tulip beds in Niagara Park'.
Bottom left - view across waterfall, captioned 'Canadian Falls, Niagara'.
Bottom right - view of distant waterfall. captioned…

Top - view through three arches of a park with river in the distance. Captioned 'General view of Niagara'.
Bottom left - view of bridge crossing river. Foliage on riverbank on left with hut on top. Captioned 'Rainbow Bridge, Niagara'.
Bottom right…

Top - view of distant waterfall, captioned 'View of both falls from observation tower'.
Bottom left - view from river level of waterfalls. Captioned 'American Falls'.
Bottom right - view of river and waterfall with boat in distance, captioned…

Top - view down river to waterfalls in distance and hydro-electric power house on the right. Captioned 'Horseshoe Falls and power house'.
Bottom left - view of waterfall, captioned 'American falls'.
Bottom right - view of top of waterfall with…

Top left - waterfall with boat on river below. Captioned 'American Falls Niagara'.
Top right - distant view of waterfall down a river. Captioned 'Horseshoe Falls Niagara'.
Bottom - view of top of waterfall with building and road with car in…

Writes that he is fine and well but putting on weight. Promises account of Niagara Falls when he has had some photographs available. [Missing page 2]. Writes about journey to Niagara and activities once at the Falls with descriptions. Relates stay at…

A postcard of Niagara Falls from Reg to his parents.

A photograph of the Falls. On the reverse 'The American Falls with the boat "Maid of the Mist" in foreground. 30th June 1942'.

Reg in trainee uniform standing in front of Niagara Falls.

Four photographs, first shows a snake charmer captioned Tunis 1945.
Second shows officer pilot standing in front of a fence captioned 'Willie Fry Niagra Falls 1945'.
Third shows Patrick in the same place captioned 'Niagra Falls 1945'. Fourth is a…

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Three photographs.
1) Niagara falls.
2) Rabat church.
3) A hut in the snow.

Five photographs.
1) A row of shops.
2) An aerial photo of the Taj Mahal.
3) An aerial photo of the Taj Mahal.
4) Niagara Falls
5) Patrick's wife and one of his children.

Three album pages.
1) Patrick standing in the snow outside two shops, 'Quints' and 'Olivia Dionne British Woollen Shop.
2) Patrick and another airman in uniform on skis.
3) Patrick fallen over skiing in the snow. He is in uniform and wearing…

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Two pages, nine photographs,
1) a kneeling camel.
2) Niagara Falls.
3) A monument.
4) A tented camp.
5) Rabat port with ships in the harbour.
6) Patrick sitting on a camel.
7) The chapel of saint Helena in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre,…

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Three views of Niagara falls. The lower and bottom pictures are taken from the Canadian side, the middle picture from Rainbow Bridge. The United states flagpole and the John J. Welsh memorial plaque are partially visible.

Identification kindly…

The two photographs on the left page show aerial views of the countryside.
The photograph on the right page shows an aerial view of Niagara Falls.

A form allowing Bill to travel to the USA.


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Six photographs of Niagara Falls.
#1 A view of the American, Bridal and Horseshoe Falls.
#2 and 5 The Rainbow Bridge.
#3 the falls seen from Canada.
#4 an aerial view of the falls from the Canadian side.
#6 a close up of the falls.
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