Browse Items (141 total)

  • Tags: fuelling

A port side view of a Stirling, MG-M' being loaded with bombs. Three more Stirlings are lined up behind.

Photo 1 is a port/front view of an aircraft being refuelled.
Photo 2 is a starboard flying view.
Photo 3 is a port/rear view of men and materials waiting to be loaded at the ramp.
The 352 was three engined with a nosewheel and a rear loading ramp.

Three fighter aircraft being refueled on the ground. In the distance a heavy bomber can be seen.
A second photograph shows three fighters on the ground.

Seven airmen grouped in front of a Halifax. Three further men are sitting on the wing. A petrol bowser is on the right. Information supplied with the collection dates it as early 1944.

Five ground crew at work on a Lancaster Mk 2. Two are on the wings refuelling. There is an oil bowser and petrol bowser in the foreground.

Lancaster Mk 2 'Z' being refuelled. A ground crew airman is up a ladder partly obscuring the nose art, a cartoon of a running skeleton with 'Zombie'. It is annotated 'PL29074'.

Seven airmen grouped in front of their aircraft with three ground crew sitting on the wing. A refuelling truck is present.
Information supplied with the collection states 'The crew in the Autumn of 1943, at Tholthorpe; Standing left to right Bomb…

Two ground crew, their tanker and a refuelling a Halifax.
A second image shows the top half of a Halifax.

Two airmen sitting on the port outer engine of a Halifax during refuelling operations.

Five men sitting on top of a fuel bowser. On the reverse '22 [circled] 3 prints 4 postcards
Cyril Bell
Tony Tine
Paddy Aherne
There is a second copy.

Ministry of Civil Aviation personal flying log book for D Moore, covering the period from 8 November 1946 to 10 July 1949. He flew with Silver City airways from London Heathrow and Blackbushe, with Flota Area Mercante Argentina from Beunos Aires,…

Four airmen sitting on Mosquito long range fuel tanks and their corporal pose with Mosquitos and airfield background.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Covers joining the RAF, training as an engineer and first posting to RAF Christchurch which undertook radar research. Writes of life and flying as observer in Fairey Battle on radar measurement flights. The unit then moved to RAF Defford. Goes on to…

Three spitfires with fuel bowser fuelling the aircraft on the right. Two men on top of bowser and three working on aircraft. Captioned 'Fighters and Fuel Bowser with Personnel - RAF Abu Sueir'.
Additional information about this item was kindly…

A starboard view of the front of a Halifax being refuelled and loaded with bombs.
This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form: no better quality copies are available.

Two versions of the same strip with enlargements of all slides. Slide 1 - captioned 'Joyce and her MT divers "joined in" on sports day GD 45/6?'. Six women, one on left in uniform, the others in civilian dress, four standing two sitting by the cab of…

Mentions combustion engines, pre-war driving and war-time personal transport. Describes handling aircraft engines and getting very economic miles per gallon. As result the flight engineer was promoted and put in charge instructing his method to…

Two photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is a vertical aerial photograph taken over Frankfurt. All the detail is obscured by light and anti-aircraft fire. It is annotated '110 Mep 4/5.10.43//NT 8" 16000 --> 045° . 21.37 ½. Frankfurt. W. 10x30: 8…

A bowser refuelling an Avro York, 'VU-W'. On the reverse 'Refuelling at RAF Iraq - prior to flight to UK'.

A record of fuel consumed during a flight.

Two paintings of a Lancaster from an album. In the first, by David Shepherd, the Lancaster is being readied for an operation with bombs being loaded and a fuelling truck waiting. In the second three Lancasters are taxying for take off.

Made out for Flight Lieutenant Wakefield for refuelling, daily inspection (airframe and engines). Stamped 617 Squadron.

Top left - rear quarter view of a Dove on airstrip with three figures in foreground. Captioned 'Refuelling at Libreville, French Cameroon'.
Top right - four men standing by the tail of a Dove. Captioned 'at Leopoldville'.
Bottom left - five men…


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