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  • Tags: Distinguished Flying Medal

Rosemary Dorricott is the widow of Leonard William Dorricott DFM. During the war years she was a young child in Skegness. She was six years old when war broke out. She recalls the air raids on the town and the rationing and blackouts that became a…

Clair was born in Radisson, Canada and joined the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) in December 1940. He flew 45 operations. He enlisted at Saskatoon and trained at Brandon. Guard duty in Saskatoon followed before Calgary for wireless training. He was…

Squadron Leader Geoffrey Whittle was born in London. After leaving school, at 14 he became an apprentice printer in the family business. He volunteered for the Royal Air Force on the outbreak of the Second World War and trained as a navigator and…

Tom Sayer was accepted in to the Royal Air Force as an apprentice and began training as a pilot as soon as he was old enough. He trained in the United States and on his return he was detached to Coastal Command. He completed eight operations…

First article attributed to Manchester Guardian, 18 October 1945, covers trial of five members of crew of U852 who were involved in firing on the survivors of a Greek ship Peleus. The second (non attributed) states that three officers were sentenced…

Medals from left to right, Distinguished Flying Cross, Distinguished Flying Medal, 1939-1945 Star, Aircrew Europe Star, Defence Medal, War Medal 1939-1945, Air Efficiency Award.

Medal ribbons from left to right Distinguished Flying Cross, Distinguished Flying Medal, 1939-1945 Star. Air Efficiency Award

The notebook contains written accounts of 32 operations to targets in Germany, Italy and France between June and November 1943 and a list of his crew. Accounts include bomb loads and descriptions of operations including Pathfinder operations while on…

Five medals awarded to Leonard Dorricott - Distinguished Flying Medal, 1939-45 Star with Bomber Command clasp, Aircrew Europe Star France and Germany clasp, Defence Medal, 1939-45 War Medal.

Details about the operation on the MAN u-boat engine factory in Augsburg and the decorations awarded to the crew members.

Notes that the King will hold investiture at Buckingham Palace on 20 November 1945. Donald Cochrane requested to be at palace no later than 10.15. Goes on to detail dress and who may accompany.

A handwritten note by Donald Cochrane. 'Tuesday Nov 20th 1945 Buckingham Palace See King'.

The loss of Colin Farrant and the award of a Distinguished Flying Medal to Donald Cochrane are reported in a newspaper article. They were friends who joined up together at the age of 15. Colin Farrant went missing on an operation to Essen. Donald…

A letter from Dorothy Bond to Donald Cochrane's parents passing on congratulations for his deeds. There is also a reply from his parents to Dorothy.

The completed service record of Donald Cochrane 1395422.

Rita’s late husband was Flight Lieutenant Edward Brooks DFC, DFM. He was in the Home Guard before he enlisted with the Royal Air Force in February 1941, and sometime later went to RAF Uxbridge. Following his training at Blackpool the recruits…

Charles Parker was part of the Fast Night Striking Force of Number 8 Group, Pathfinder Squadron in Bomber Command, flying in Mosquitos. He tells of “crewing up” in September 1943 as a 21 year old, his near miss with a Mosquito from 1409 Met…

Ernie Patterson DFM was born in Middleton St George in Darlington. At the age of 14, he left school and took on a job as an apprentice Joiner.
He joined the Royal Air Force at the age of 19 in 1941, but whilst he was waiting to be called up, he was…

Joe was a navigator with 578 Squadron and later with 77 Squadron, flying Halifaxes and then Dakotas. Joe has a sister and a brother. His brother ended his service with the Royal Air Force after an accident on a dinghy drill course left him deaf in…

William James Stoneman was posted to RAF Elsham Wolds before Aircrew Reception Centre at RAF Cardington. He chose to become a rear gunner as he did not have to wait. Air gunnery training followed at RAF Bishopscourt in Northern Ireland on Ansons and…

Harold Gordon Foster (known as Harry) tells of his childhood, passing the eleven plus exam and his enjoyment of learning, and the need for him to earn money for his family rather than going to grammar school. He first worked for CL Equipments,…

Donald Fraser grew up in Fifeshire, and worked in forestry until he volunteered into the RAF in 1942, aged eighteen. He trained as a flight engineer and completed a tour of operations with 101 Squadron. He recalls operations to Berlin, being hit by…

Margaret Horry was born in Spalding. She remembers aircraft taking off going on operations, and retells wartime stories of her relatives. Arthur served in Bomber Command as a bomb aimer. Frank was also in Bomber Command. He joined the Royal Air Force…

Bomb aimer Frank Jones wrote notes decades ago regarding his service in Bomber Command with 158 Squadron. His son, Derek reads his father’s story, which includes his early life, enlisting into the RAF and training in navigation at No. 43 Air…
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