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  • Tags: prisoner of war

Includes certificates as a prisoner at Dulag Luft and Stalag Luft 6, sketch map showing locations of prisoner of war camps, list of crew with brevets, Churchill's speech, cartoons of prisoner life, contents of Red Cross parcels, notes, signatures,…

The story of Ron being missing in action then located at Stalag Luft VII, promoted then a telegram announcing he had been killed at Arnhem. Later corrected and a bunch of flowers delivered as an apology.

In this communiqué, dated 23rd April 1945, Allied Leaders Joseph Stalin, Harry Truman and Winston Churchill remind German commanders and officers of their responsibilities for the safety and well-being of all allied prisoners of war. They outline…

The Governments of the Soviet Union, United States and Great Britain order that no Allied prisoner of war shall be mistreated. Offenders will be relentlessly pursued and punished.

A copy of a photograph of seven airmen at the tail of their Halifax III, ZL-K. Each airmen and their role is identified on the caption.
A second image is a better quality photograph of the seven airmen in a row,
Two of the men have POW added to…

Written for Cornish aviation society. Welcomes Philip Jenkinson and gives account of his training and operations on 10 Squadron Halifax. Describes being shot down and baling out. Mentions evading, capture and as a prisoner being on a tour of his…

Contains drawings, names and addresses of other prisoners, dairy of events on being shot down, his crew and diagram of Lancaster, poems, stories of life in camp, Lists of prisoners in his hut, aircraft they flew and when and where shot down. Diagram…

Stage hands preparing scenery. The stage door is open to the outside camp and two men are carrying a stage flat. More scenery is against the back drop at the back of the stage.

Top left - newspaper cutting - repatriated airman to be married concerning recently repatriated Warrant Officer E W Perkins. Gives other details and background story.
Bottom left - newspaper cutting - Parker-O'Brien wedding announcement.
Top right…

Recounts meeting three men named John Mitchell in the space of a few weeks. The first was a signals officer at RAF Spilsby when the author was a wireless operator on Lancaster. He relates some of his experiences surviving two tours on Whitley and…

Newspaper cutting with map of Germany and parts of Poland and Hungary with locations of prisoner of war camps, towns/cities and Allied Fronts.

Report of last flight of DV400; lost 27th Jan 1944,” findings of Michael Warburton’s research into the crash of ‘DV400’. Concludes that DV400 was hit by another Lancaster that had been shot down by a German night fighter and subsequently…

A caption 'A token of appreciation of your War Service' which included a visit to Aldershot Hippodrome and a meal at the White Lion Hotel.
Item 1 is a caption.
Item 2 is a caption 'Programme of Show.
Item 3, 4 and 5 are the programme of the show -…

Sent by John from prisoner of war camp to his parents and Joyce expressing his hope that he reaches home before the postcard. It includes a coloured drawing of some holly and a prisoner with a red triangle on his back looking through a barbed wire…
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