




Top left - newspaper cutting - repatriated airman to be married concerning recently repatriated Warrant Officer E W Perkins. Gives other details and background story.
Bottom left - newspaper cutting - Parker-O'Brien wedding announcement.
Top right - newspaper cutting with wedding photograph of Warrant Officer E W Perkins, his bride, bridesmaids and other guests.
Bottom middle left - newspaper cutting with full face b/w photograph reporting that Sergt E W Perkins's parents had been notified that their son had been repatriated.
Bottom middle right - newspaper cutting with b/w photograph showing bride and groom, Miss Doreen Taylor and Roy Perkins.
Bottom right - newspaper cutting with b/w photograph of bride and groom - Miss Peggy Horsell and Mr Eric Belsen.




Six newspaper cuttings mounted on an album page


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Oxford Romance of Fighter Pilot

AN Oxford airman who was recently repatriated from Germany is to be married on Tuesday at St. Luke's Church, Cowley.

He is Warrant-Officer Pilot E.W. Perkins, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Perkins, of 21, Howard-street.

His bride-to-be is Miss Barbara Taylor, of 21, Crescent-road, Oxford.

Warrant-Officer Perkins joined the R.A.F. in May, 1939, and was appointed to Fighter Command.

In July, 1941, when he held the rank of Sergeant-Pilot, he crashed over France and was captured badly injured.

His fiancee was surprised when in the summer of this year he wrote prophesying that he would be home before Christmas.

The prophecy, however, came true, and in October, on his return home, he was given a great welcome by the residents of Howard-street.

Since reporting back to the R.A.F. he has been promoted to his present rank.

Warrant-Officer Pilot L.V. Rosser, of Bomber Command, who took his flying training at the same time as the bride-groom-to-be, will be best man.

PARKER – O'BRIEN. – On 10 March, at St. Peter's Church, Perth, Australia. Arthur Sidney, third son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Parker, Shotover-rd. to Patricia Lilian O'Brien, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien, North Cottesloe, Australia, and granddaughter of Benjamin and Rose Buckle, Abingdon.

Warrant-Officer Pilot E.W. Perkins, recently repatriated from Germany, who was married to Miss Barbara Taylor at St. Luke's Church, Cowley, yesterday. A group after the ceremony.

SERGT. E.W. PERKINS, whose parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Perkins, of 6, Howard-street, Oxford, have received official notification that he is among the repatriated prisoners of war.

Miss Doreen Taylor and L.-M. Roy Perkins, who were married on Saturday at St. Clement's Church, Oxford.

Miss Peggy Horsell and Mr. Eric Belson, who were married at SS. Mary and John Church, Oxford.


“Weddings,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed October 22, 2024,

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