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Mario Miniussi recalls Monfalcone night bombing on 18 March 1944. He was sleeping when the siren sounded and then saw the bombs falling on the shipyard, causing explosions and fires. He remembers how he was normally at school during alarms, so he and…

Gualtiero Silvio Cosolo recalls attending the Ceriani vocational school in Monfalcone, and every day at the same time the air raid siren went off and the children would run to the nearest shelter. He describes the bombing of 7 March 1944 and the…

The interviewee recalls the day when he and his cousin plundered a ship with a cargo of furniture, clothing and foodstuffs, which was moored at Karigador. He describes how the harbour was suddenly bombed and strafed. He recalls how they hid behind a…

Guido Di Blas (pictured on the left) and Ilario Bolletti (pictured on the right) recount wartime memories associated with the town of Monfalcone and the surrounding area. They describe a severe night of bombing, recalling the ominous sight of target…

Stefania Vischi recalls her wartime life in the Monfalcone area and recalls how she spent long hours alone inside a shelter, frightened by explosions and tremors. She contrasts the horror of being at the receiving end of the bombing war and the…

One of three friends at RAF Warboys along with Peter Isaacson and Lighton Verdon Roe. Notes that Lang did 19 operations with 150 Squadron, 3 while on Operational Training Unit and 28 on 156 Squadron before his aircraft blew up over a target and he…

Made out for Pilot Officer William Roy Peter Perry. Narrative mentions completed 20 operations, showing outstanding skill and determination. Skilful airmanship enabled gunner to shoot down enemy fighter. Twice had to recover aircraft on three engine…

Part 1 - family background with information on relatives and family photographs.
Part 2 - war service of Flying Officer James Gordon Bennett Burnside flight engineer. Covers training as flight engineer. Then follows short descriptions. listing…

An account of operation as Pathfinder against German naval and submarine base at Kiel when his aircraft was shot down by 'Schräge Musik' equipped night-fighter which cause the aircraft to break in two. Describes crew actions during bomb run and…

Catches up with family news and mentions a recent operation that Ken took part in on a battleship and noted he was back on operations with a famous squadron. The only famous one he knew was 12. Noted that he would be very busy.

Gives some details of operation to Innsbruck. Lists crew. Two versions of the same document.

Details of operation to Trento choke points. Lists crew and provides some details of sortie. Bombs landed on TIs. Could not get landing gear down on normal system on return, lowered mechanically. Two versions of the same document.

Gives some details of operation to Brescia marshalling yards. Lists crew and reports results. Noted that two other aircraft seen to collide. Two versions of the same document.

Some details of operation to Freilassing marshalling yards. Provide short report on bombing. Lists crew. Two versions of the same document.

For both operations, lists crew. For Verona reports route markers seen and visually aiming bombs and bursts seen on markers. For supply drop visually identified target, containers aimed at target, all chutes opened. Good concentration. Two versions…

Reply to addressee's letter having returned from operation to Stuttgart. Writes about returning from leave and photographs he asked for.

Brief Resumé of Initial Flying Training and operational experiences on 106 Squadron, led by Wing Commander Bob Allen DSO with sorties against the Scharnhorst and Gneisenau Battleships in the Port of Brest.

Second version of a brief Resumé of Initial Flying Training and operational experiences on 106 Squadron, led by Wing Commander Bob Allen DSO with sorties against the Scharnhorst and Gneisenau Battleships in the Port of Brest. Slight amendment to…

Starts with hand drawn map of Normandy marking main towns. The author records his experience on or around D-Day of bailing out of an aircraft shot down and on fire, and the subsequent aid given to him by the French Resistance. He also records a…

Writes with regret to inform him that his son was missing as a result of air operations on night 24/25 July 1944 when his Lancaster in which he was wireless operator set out to attack Stuttgart. Inquiries were being made through red cross. Asks if he…
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