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  • Tags: Red Cross

A list of contents of a parcel being sent to Dick Curnock by his mother.

A magazine produced in a prisoner of war camp. It describes the need for education in the camp, the lecturers, the subjects taught and examinations taken or about to be taken.

In the log Dick Curnock recorded crew and friends names and addresses, an obituary of Ginge Wheeldon who was shot by a Typhoon whilst on a march, cartoons, sketches of aircraft, dates of letters received and samples of window.

The letter acknowledges Dick Curnock's confinement address.

Writing from Tunisia that he is perfectly well as are the others. He is keeping letter simple in order not to write anything that may prevent the letter being delivered. Mentions the current climate and availability of grapes, figs, olives and…

Writes that he was pleased to get a letter from Red Cross at Geneva informing him that his name had been forwarded to the prisoner of war information bureau in London and that they would inform his parents of his address. Mentions he has written…

News sheet with details of the Southampton reunion in 1987, Recco Report -stories about ex-POWs, Obituaries, members reports, KLB Club for prisoners from Buchenwald and a flight in a Blenheim.

Writes that he is trying to send mail via the Red Cross in Geneva and via Tangiers and suggests they reply through the American consul in Tunis. Suggest they enquire about air mail and cables. Reports he is keeping well.

Writes that he still has not heard from them and wonders if everything is alright with them. He suggest various ways they might get in touch: through the American consul Tunis, British consul Tangiers and Red Cross Geneva. Some compatriots have…

Reports he is still well but has still not received any news from them. Recommends methods that they might try to reach him through various organisations. Wishes them happy Christmas.

Writes that he is well and wishes them happy Christmas. Reports he is still without news from them and he wonders why as mail is getting through. Suggests sending by air mail as well as cable. .

Reports arrival of two letters from them and an aunt. Hopes they had a happy Christmas and asks them to thank everyone who asked after them. Mentions he has also written a letter to them.

Wishes them happy new year and mentions the weather. Reports he is still well and hopes that they would received several of his letter by then.

Catches up with mail sent and received and urges them to sent him post by air mail. Comments that countryside is much greener after the rain and there were no insects and life would be good as long as they got use to the food.

Reports arrival of three of their letters. Catches up with family news and is glad they had received his letters. Glad that all is well at home and hopes it will not be long before they are together again. Writes he is still keeping well.

Catches up with mail sent and received. Writes he is well and comments on weather. Concludes some of their letters are going astray. Mentions they have new quarters which are better. Suggest that hey do not try to send anything as parcels do not get…

The news-sheet of the RAF ex-POW Association. This edition covers the recovery of a crashed Blenheim in Holland, Roy Winton's fourth visit to Barth in 2000, the proposed erection of a memorial to RAF POWs, the Fallingbostel memorial project,…

News-Sheet of the RAF ex-POW Association. This edition covers the memorial to the POWs at RAF Hendon, Recco Report of ex-POWs and their activities, Obituaries for Maurice Butt and others, Book reviews, A time for Reconciliation, the Great Escape 60th…

Catches up with letters received, with all mail up to 36 apart from two had arrived. Thanks them for birthday telegrams and hopes it will not need to be repeated next year. Discusses better weather in England and in poor weather in Algeria. Mentions…

Catalogues and comments on letters and cables sent and received. Mentions that letters are better by now going through the American consul in Algiers. Make comments on weather at home and in Algeria as well as some mention of daily routine and…

Writes of receiving letter with photographs of his parents which he comments on. Catches up on other recent letters and cables to and from and suggests that mail going through the American consul in Algiers is best both ways. Catches up on news from…
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