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  • Tags: military living conditions

Thanks her for letter and cheque. Mentions skipper posted and crew went with him to RAF Grimsby. Describes local area and facilities. Catches up with domestic matters and mentions trip to Marham.

He writes that he was at Hamburg last night and that they are not operating from from Wickenby that night and that will help him sleep. Catches up with news of children.

He writes that he had landed safely the night before and he is hoping for more leave soon.

Writes of mail and mentions an operation to Wilhelmshaven.

He starts by catching up with domestic and family/acquaintance matters. He goes on to write of an operation to Lorient, although it was bad for french civilians and that he is looking forward to leave.

He is worried about his son David’s illness. He also writes about the weather, that he is fed up and that he went to the cinema in Lincoln to watch Bambi.

Herbert James Wylde was working in local government in Glasgow before he volunteered for aircrew training with the RAF. He started pilot training and had gone solo when he was sent to Canada to continue training. While there he began training as a…

Gabi Wilson grew up in Berlin and was a schoolgirl in 1939. She discusses one brother training as an interpreter and another brother returning from Russian prisoner of war camps. She worked as an apprentice at a publisher firm. She met her husband,…

William was five years old when war was declared. He lived on a farm in north Lincolnshire not far from RAF Kirton in Lindsey, RAF Scampton, RAF Hibaldstow, RAF Blyton, RAF Sandtoft and RAF Sturgate. An anti-aircraft unit was also nearby. William…

Arthur Vickers worked for the Coop before he volunteered for the Air Force. After training he completed an tour of operations as a flight engineer. He discusses life on the station and on operations including a trip when they though they might have…

Thanks her for parcel and complains of mail distribution on base. Talks of flying and life on camp. Writes of weather prevention of colds.

Writes of winter weather and life on camp. Catches up with family news and dealing with estate.

Catches up with family and acquaintance news. Says he is busy and enjoying the course but is not enamoured with the camp life. Second part thanks her for letter and discusses domestic matters.

Thanks her for letter and complains about life at St Athan. Writes of leave and life on camp. Mentions news about acquaintance and tells amusing story about colleague. Catches up with domestic matters.

Sylvia was born in Mansfield where her father was a miner and her mother had worked at Lawns Mills. She had two brothers and a sister. Sylvia was 15 when she left school to work at the hosiery mills and recalls the German manager being deported. She…

Discusses time off plans and leave passes. Writes of life in RAF including other peoples problems. Mentions flight engineers course and catches up with family and acquaintance news. Mentions commandos practice attack and resulting casualties.

Thanks her for parcel and writes of discussion about families with colleague. Catches up with acquaintance news. States he is tired and sends love.

Catches up with family and acquaintance news and talks of life in the Air Force. Discusses flight engineers course and likelihood of other possible postings abroad. He is hoping to get coupons from Grandad for some pyjamas.

He discuses difference in issue of clothing coupons between officers and men as well as for bedding. He also complains about the way war is being fought. Sends his love.

Ernest Hector Angelo Pedrazzini was the son of an Italian father and an English mother. After the war he changed his name to Tillbrook. Ernie’s father escaped from a prison camp during the First World War and finding his way to Russia and…

George Thomson had always wanted to fly. When he volunteered for the RAF he hoped to be a pilot but re-mustered as a navigator. He was posted to 15 Squadron based at RAF Mildenhall. On their first operation they were attacked by fighters three times.…

Peter Steward was born in 1933 and talks of not seeing his father during the war due to his father's service in the RAF. His uncles and cousins also served. After leaving school at 15, Peter worked at the Woolwich Arsenal factory and joined the RAF…

Writes about dispute with grandfather and asks for her help in sorting it out. Mentions he will take the board for promotion to leading aircraftsman and thinks he will pass. Mentions paratroop exercises he has seen.
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