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  • Tags: B-17

Air-to-air view of a B-17 taken from a Lancaster with both starboard engines feathered.

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Air-to air view of a 457 Bomb Group B-17 flying over open countryside. Photo taken from a Lancaster.

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Alan writes to his parents thanking them for their letter. The weather has been poor so not much flying. However there are lectures and training courses underway. He had a stay in Orleans which had been heavily bombed. He is uncertain what he will do…

Flight Sergeant H Maddox’s Flying Log Book as an Air Gunner from 2nd August 1944 until 24th July 1945. Initial training at No. 3 Bombing and Gunnery School in Canada. Training continued at Operational Training Unit 11 and 1699 Training Flight/Heavy…

A front view of a B-17 viewed from inside another aircraft.


Pilot's flying log book for Robert 'Bob' Keeling covering the period 1 July 1943 to 23 October 1945 when he was a test pilot with the Royal Aircraft Establishment. In addition it covers the period 14 January 1946 to 26 November 1949 when Bob was a…

Autobiography of his early years. Mostly his training in the States.
Also included is an extract from Eleanor Roosevelt's diary, dated September 24, 1942. This includes a thank you letter from RAF trainees who were treated to American hospitality by…

A side view of an RAF B-17.
On the reverse 'Original "A" for Apple "Upside down over Karlsruhe." Line!!!! Freedom 733 F/Lt Howard Florence or Rome. 4th Hussars Maj. Wheeler Trieste Peter Robinson [indecipherable]'


Eight airmen including Bill Foskett grouped at the tail of their B-17. Len Roose is holding their lucky horseshoe. On the reverse 'Ray Delisle (Waist Gun) Myself Ted Bonner (WOP) (Radar) (Waist Gun) Fred Barber (Engineer) Len Roose (Mid Upper) with…

An airman in the turret of a B-17.
On the reverse 'Len Roose On Turret'.

Four airmen standing under the nose of a B-17. On the reverse 'Ted Bonner (WOP) Ben Bonas (Rear Gunner) Me! Ray Delisile (Port Waist Gunner) Aug 1944 Oulton. Norfolk 214 Sqdn 100 Gp'.

The seven men are sitting on the wing of their B-17.
On the reverse ' "A" Able's ground crew'.

A group of 12 airmen arranged in and around the starboard waist gun position of a B-17.

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Bill Foskett’s Flying Log Book as Bomb Aimer from 6th November 1942 until 3rd July 1945. Retrained in Canada as bomb aimer and air gunner at 31 Bombing and Gunnery School (Picton) and 31 Advanced Navigation School (Port Albert). Posted to 2…

Pages from recognition handbook of British aircraft with three axis diagrams and technical information on: Harvard, Hellcat 1, Dakota, Lockheed 14, Fortress II, Halifax I, II and V, Halifax III, Walrus, R-5 helicopter

View from rear quarter above of an airborne Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress.


Front quarter air-to-air view of an airborne Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress.


Side view of an airborne Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress.


A news sheet sold on the troopship returning to the UK.

Detailing Leonard's birth in Biggleswade, his training history, squadrons served with and aircraft flown in and continued service following 1945. Completed by Leonard's daughter Jean Carter and her husband Clive.
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