Browse Items (80 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1943-09"

Dave writes about the pleasure in receiving letters from his fiancée, Betty. He begins to number his letters, starting at number 10. Dave tells about the new station, his desire to see new places and the impossibility of taking photographs. He…

From station commander at RAF Syerston stating that Hedley's bicycle has not been sent as it was still awaiting release by effects authorities.

The special edition covers Winston Churchill’s statement of 21st September 1943 to parliament on the war.

Churchill describes the war’s progress in North-West Africa, a springboard to further offensive action, following conferences with…

Photo 1 is an airmen and two civilians seated on a park bench in Richmond.
Photo 2 is an airman with a camera. He is smoking a pipe and he is standing on snow.
Photo 3 is five airmen seated on steps in front of a wooden building. Three men are…

Photo 1 - an airman with sergeant's stripes with his arm round a woman with a man to their left. They are sitting on a park bench.
Photo 2 - an airman identified as Bill Willoughby, Navigator at Wimpey port gun position.
Photo 3 - Bill Willoughby…

Three quarter length portrait of Eric Horsham in uniform, holding a pipe. On the reverse 'Marston Moor Sept 1943'.

Includes: editorial matters; prisoners at work; group photographs from the camps; official reports from the camps; the letters they write home; it depends on the book (written by A A Milne); news from the far east; POWs in the far east; they plan…

Keith Thompson was a sergeant navigator under training at the start of this period at 28 OTU at RAF Castle Donington, then on to a holding unit for a month. After that on to 1662 CU at RAF Blyton flying the Lancaster, until 7 November when he was…

In response to Isabel's enquiry about possible news concerning Andrew, stating that nothing has been heard so far.

Eight aircrew standing in a row. On the reverse 'Left to right, G. Whittle - DFM Nav, R Hebditch - DFM W Op, R Stott - DFM M.U.G., B Walker -CGM Capt, S Mayer - CGM Eng, J Robertson S.O., A Gadd - DFC B/A, K Hicklin - DFM A/G'. 'Ludford Magna Sept…

Writes with legal and other advice over custody of child. Catches up with activities and acquaintances.

Report written by Major W Lacy, Sandy Saunders' commanding officer on his progress as a cadet. He is described as 'young and impetuous but has guts and determination' and is told to develop greater discipline.

A newspaper cutting about the night Warrant Officer Bill Walker succeeded in bringing their badly damaged aircraft back. Mentions award of two Conspicuous Gallantry Medals and two Distinguished Flying Medals.

Jim was born in July 1923 in Burton on Trent and was the eldest of six children. His father served in the First World War. When Jim left school aged 14, he joined the Boys Brigade which had a Royal Air Force section and he had the chance to fly in…

He writes of his flying duties, the weather and his colleagues.

He writes of his journey back to RAF Cark after his leave and mentions posting and retirement of two of his superiors.

He writes of life at RAF Cark, his social activities, arrangements for his leave and his colleagues.

He writes of issues with his commanding officer, the Italian surrender and his leave arrangements.

He writes of arrangements for his leave, the weather and domestic details.

He writes of his visit to RAF Ternhill, his duties and social activity at RAF Cark.

He writes of his duties at RAF Cark and domestic and social arrangements.

He writes of the weather and colleagues’ postings and domestic arrangements.
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