Letter from Harold Gorton to his wife



Letter from Harold Gorton to his wife


He writes of his duties at RAF Cark and domestic and social arrangements.




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Five handwritten sheets


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I’ve had no letter from you since Tuesday. I hope it doesn’t mean that you have caught this dysentery. Take care of yourself darling, won’t you, as when you are so far away, I can’t do anything to look after you. Anyway I shall be with you in just under a fortnight, so I shall see that you are looked after properly then, even if you aren’t now.
I was very bucked to get this chit from the bank yesterday. £152 is pretty good isn’t it? I thought it might have gone up £10 or so, but not £50.
I apologise if this letter isn’t what it should be, but I’m
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not feeling my best today, as I’m tired, I was flying on Wednesday night & didn’t get to bed until after 7.0 a.m. When I got up, late yesterday afternoon, I found I’d been put on as O i/c., although it wasn’t my turn. I agreed to do it for one night, until Moodie came back today, & as we were trying a new system of dispersal for aircraft, my duties began at 6.0 p.m., & continued until 7.0 a.m. Of course, after I’d agreed to do the O i/c., I realised that I was Orderly Officer today, so as it didn’t seem worth while going to bed, I just carried on.
This morning we had a big parade so that a bloke could be presented with a “Mention in Despatches”, and then a parson gave us a long dull service in connection with the day of
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prayer. The rest of the morning I was busy with my orderly officer duties, but I’ve been dozing in the Mess all afternoon.
You will be interested to know that “Hoppy” from Ossington has got his F/Lt. – I learned this from one of the pupils.
I’ve finished one of those law question papers, so that’s half of a load off my mind.
All my love, darling. Write to me soon, won’t you?
Sunday 9.0 p.m.
Got back from Tern Hill in time for lunch.
Both the Crown & the Netherwood at Grange are booked up this week, but I’ll go in to Grange personally to –
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morrow & get a place. If that fails, there’s a good hotel in Kendal that usually has a room or two to spare. I’ll also enlist Miss Westwood’s knowledge of lodging houses etc.
I’ll ring you up tomorrow night unless you send me a letter tomorrow morning to say that you aren’t coming.
As for leave, I don’t know what to do. I was talking to Mrs. Moodie this evening & she says she knows a good olde worlde pub 9 miles out of Shrewsbury – plenty of fishing & walking, home made food aplenty of ham & eggs etc. Would that suit you, or would it be too quiet?
You shouldn’t talk rot about Dad not wanting you to come to Farnworth. I admit that it was a remark not in the best of taste, but he’d be very hurt if he thought
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you'd understood him like that.
I’m glad you’ve got the car back. It should make your shopping a good deal easier. I haven’t liked to hear of your doing all that walking.
Sorry about the unstamped envelope. 5d is a lot, isn’t it?
I don’t mind [deleted] y [/deleted] whether you send Seversky back to Smiths’ or to me. It’s far more important that you have a book to read than that I have.
All my love,



Harold Gorton, “Letter from Harold Gorton to his wife,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed September 23, 2024, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/9127.

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