Browse Items (63 total)

  • Temporal Coverage starts with "1956"

First is a cutting, of two Shackletons in flight, ship in background, captioned 'Coastal Command Shackletons'.
Two photographs of street scenes captioned 'Townsville East Australia'.
Two photographs captioned 'The village Figi', annotated '…

206 Sqdn badge and small photographs of two Shackletons. Captioned ‘No. 206 Squadron St. Eval Feb’ 56 - Jan’58 St. Mawgan Jan – May ’58 Flying – Shackleton Mk.1 (Maritime Recce)’.
Three b/w photographs captioned 'Idris, Libya, Cooling…


Jack Harris resumes describing his post-war career in the Royal Air Force. In October 1955, he became the commanding officer of 542 Squadron, a special duties squadron responsible for sampling radioactive fallout produced by American and Soviet atom…

John Robert Watson joined RAF Bomber Command in 1943, volunteering after he witnessed his next-door neighbour's house being destroyed by a bomb. Against his father's wishes, John joined Bomber Command initially as a wireless operator, before…

Victor Stapley was born in Ilford in Essex, where he was fond of playing cricket. He left school at fifteen and worked at a tobacco company. He then became a shipping manager, a job which involved shipping spaces whilst not having any telephones in…

Sydney’s father died when she was a baby. Her mother remarried and had another daughter and son. The son became ground crew in the Royal Air Force.
Sydney lived a few miles from London and attended Byron Court School in Webley. She was five when…

John Payne was born in 1932 and went into the Royal Air Force as part of his National Service, becoming a Navigator on the Canberra aircraft with 15 Squadron. His father went into the combined service in the First World War and was training to be a…

Edward Cayhill was the eldest of eight children and with his father’s encouragement was hoping to go to university. His father died in 1938 which meant that the university dream was cancelled and Edward went to work as a Civil Servant in the…

Don Crossley was born in South Emsall in 1924. He tells of his time before the war working at Upton Colliery before joining the Royal Air Force. He volunteered and trained initially as a wireless operator / air gunner. He tells of his experience at…

Membership book with two annual subscription receipts for 1955/56 attached for Clacton-on-Sea branch.

Envelope and card addressed to Ernie Twells, inviting him to the wedding of Beatrice Marshall and Arthur Brittain.
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