Browse Items (444 total)

  • Temporal Coverage starts with "1944-05"

Two receipts for classified documents, an envelope marked secret and a handwritten annotation.

Left - Notifies of award of Distinguished Flying Cross to Flying Officer Charles Martin. Provides some biographical details and description of action which led to the award.
Right - Notified of award of Distinguished Flying Cross, some biographic…

A detailed memoir of the operation to Mailly-le-Camp when Lancaster JB314 crashed, killing all eight crew on board. It includes a detailed description by Michel, a teacher at Courboin. The remains of the airmen are collected and buried with ceremony.…

A newspaper report recording Field Marshall Smuts declaration that a coordinated triple attack will end Nazidom.

Six items, Edward's description of the operation to the railway centre, commenting on the thunderstorms encountered, his navigation plot, the expected H2S plot of the target with their track marked, a press cutting captioned 'Wrecked locomotives at…

Navigation calculations and a chart for operation to Trappes.

Vertical aerial photograph of an area showing severely destroyed buildings and large craters appearing throughout. A road is going through the middle of the buildings and the area is surrounded by fields, also covered with craters.

On the reverse…

Target photograph of Tours. River Loire running top to bottom, road bridge across river and Saint-Gatien de cathedral visible. Captioned '5'', '810 SKELL.19/20.5.44.//NT.//8" 6500' [arrow] [censored] TOURS RD.J.8X2000 [censored]P/O AMPHLETT.J.50'. On…

Commissioning scroll for Thomas Sayer dated 25 May 1944 as Flying Officer, signed 'George R.I.'.

Two photographs of three airmen standing in front of a building. On the door is a sign with 'W/Cdr Doubleday, DSO DFC O/C 61 Sqdn'.
On the reverse -
'10May ?
F/O Mills, D'Day, F/Lt Nugent
Dad painted the board at the back of photo. I remember him…

Roy Ellis is now reported as presumed killed in action. There is a handwritten annotation 'Times 15.5.44'

Includes: editors comments; for sailors and seamen (Marlag und Milag Nord camps); official reports from the camps; the letters they write home; groups from the camps; [two pages missing] income tax relief; how they help (fundraising at home);…

Experiences of the prisoners of war in the Belaria camp of Stalag Luft 3 by Squadron Leader Bryce Cousens. It contains stories, poems and illustrations.

Sub titled (a prayer before action). Four verse poem about flying and death close at hand and how beautiful was life.

Records that Jack Meek a Canadian navigator was going back on operations after having been wounded on an operation to Berlin the previous January. Describes his crew and relates the story of the January operation where they were attacked by fighters…

The memoir details the events after Sergeant George Reid Williamson baled out of his Lancaster over Chateau-Thierry. After hiding in a wood for a few days, he met a local farmer who took him back to the farmhouse for food and a large overcoat. While…

Three photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is an unidentified crew of six at the tail of a Wellington III.
Photo 2 is a view out of a Stirling taking off.
Photo 3 is Terry Ford at the controls of a Stirling.
A fourth photograph is missing.

The message advises Mrs Cahir that her son's address is Stalag Luft 3 and his number is 267500.
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