Browse Items (275 total)

  • Temporal Coverage starts with "1943-06"

A vertical aerial photograph of Bruntingthorpe. An approximate scale and a north arrow has been annotated on the image. Also at the bottom is ' 5 BTPE 14.6.43//5" 13,000

Magazine of 48 Air School, South Africa. On the front cover is written: '1801494 LAC ROYALL G.L. 27/6/43'. The magazine contains articles of local and war news, a description of what life is currently like in Britain, photographs of key personnel at…

The telegram advises that her son is missing in action.

Certifies that Roy Jackson RAFVR was missing and presumed to have lost his life on 23 June 1943 as a result of air operations.

Part 1. Reports arrival of recent mail. Discusses Norman's decision to go for navigator course. Mentions taking another exam with only 8 or 9 more to go in the next 4 weeks. Sad to hear of friend's death in action and complains about poor airgraph…

Part 2. Discusses mail to and from. Mentions visiting local acquaintances and meeting a friend who is near the end of his course. Comments on going to see a demonstration by local fire service.

Discusses mail and getting behind in his airgrams home. mentions Norman re-mustering as air navigator and that he had taken his sixth exam. Wonders about Norman's future activities in the RAF. Catches up with news of other friends.

Catches up with news of Norman's activities. Mentions hearing on the radio of air attack on Hull and hopes family are safe and well. Mentions the importance of having good friends.

Part 1. Catches up with family news and comments on time mail takes to reach him. mentions he had heard of heavy air attack on Hull and hopes that they are all OK. Catches up with other news and gossip. Mentions bomb site scroungers and that he is…

Part 2. Writes of his concern over recent air attack on Hull. Discusses Norman's future training and recommends book on aircraft recognition. Catches up with family news.

For Lancaster aircraft Avro type 683 Mk 1 and 3. Purple cover with inside front pages and contents page.

This item is available only at the International Bomber Command Centre / University of Lincoln.

12 postcards written by Alan Green whilst a prisoner of war. He thanks his parents for their mail, news of Basil, requests cigarettes, photographs, socks and a toothbrush, receipt of parcels and a list of clothing.

In the letter to his sister and brother in law Albert he thanks them for their letter. He talks about getting married but his service is getting in the way.


Born on a farm in Shropshire, his best friend from his youth joined the Royal Air Force as aircrew and was killed at RAF Honington when a German aircraft bombed the station. A desire for revenge made him enlist for flying duties in January 1941. He…

Produced by A V Roe, title page records copy is no 1360, belongs to Flight Lieutenant Baxter of the Lancaster Finishing School and is dated June 1943. Also pencilled note with settings for Lancaster for maximum range and for maximum endurance.

A group of trainees arranged in four rows in front of the Trenance Hotel, Newquay.
On the reverse are the signatures of some of the trainees. A yellow post-it note states 'RRE Freeman 2nd row from left row 3'.

Writes that he was pleased to receive her letter and glad she feels husband is safe. States he has no intention of joining commandos. Catches up with family and friends news and tells a little about his army life.

Required to report for regular service in accordance with instructions. In the meantime would remain on the reserve with no pay or allownaces.

From press officer. Writes that a copy of approved radio script being sent. Continues that copy has been sent to other official to see if there are any points to which exception is taken. Concludes with thanks for help in rubber salvage campaign.

Biography of Rohan Amerasekera. Consist of early life, war service in the RAF including training eventually as as a navigator. Operational tours on 158 Squadron and 35 Squadrons. Lists his crew. Awarded Distinguished Flying Cross in January 1944.…

Biography of Rohan Amerasekera. Consist of early life, war service in the RAF including training eventually as as a navigator. Operational tours on 158 Squadron and 35 Squadrons. Lists his crew. Awarded Distinguished Flying Cross in January 1944.…

Colin Deverell was born in Croydon. Upon leaving school, he worked for Oliver Typewriter Company, where he gained engineering skills to become an amateur rigger for Imperial Airways, before finding employment with Rollaston Aircraft Services in 1939.…

Offers sympathy for his loss and was enclosing some small personal effects.

Writes about mail and catches up with family news. Mentions a photograph of all the South Africans of Schubin [sic] (XXIB) and plans to send it. Writes about friend in camp receiving letters and photographs as well as other gossip. Mentions planned…
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