Postcards from Alan Green to his parents



Postcards from Alan Green to his parents


12 postcards written by Alan Green whilst a prisoner of war. He thanks his parents for their mail, news of Basil, requests cigarettes, photographs, socks and a toothbrush, receipt of parcels and a list of clothing.




12 handwritten postcards


This content is available under a CC BY-NC 4.0 International license (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0). It has been published ‘as is’ and may contain inaccuracies or culturally inappropriate references that do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the University of Lincoln or the International Bomber Command Centre. For more information, visit and





[inserted] Rec'd Dec. 20/44 [/inserted]


Mr & Mrs W.H. Green
Firs Estate
Kenilworth Road

Sender Green (Alan) F/Lt

[rubber stamps] PASSED P.W.3901, GEPRUFT 111 [/rubber stamps]

[page break]

[inserted] Received July 17th 1942, Written May 30/42 [/inserted]


Mr & Mrs W.H. Green
Firs Estate
Kenilworth Road

Sender F/O Green

[page break]

[inserted] Prisoner of War Post Written 30.6.42. [/inserted]


Mr & Mrs W.H. Green
Firs Estate
Kenilworth Road

Sender P/O Green
(not yet allotted)

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[inserted] Rec'd May 13, Written 21/3/43 [/inserted]


Mr & Mrs W.H. Green
Firs Estate
Kenilworth Road

Sender F/O Green

[page break]


My Dear Folks,

Your birthday greetings arrived in good time. In fact about a week ago. During last few days have received Gwen’s 23/4, Ma’s 21/4, Pa’s 26/4. I shall be pleased to receive the hold-all & birthday present. I shall have much to make up to you for when I return. How are the mushrooms & cucumbers getting along in the frames? I wish I could be there to help & the eating of them. I don’t think I have seen a mushroom for years! Please congratulate Pauline on my behalf. Rodney Rockingham, Blake certainly ought to make the “grade” for the navy. Your Affectionate Son Alan.

[page break]


My Dear Folks,

Just a line to let you know that I have received a host of letters this month (36 to date) & that I shall be writing again before November to acknowledge them all. I was grieved when I heard of Bill’s misfortune & would like you to pass on my condolences to poor Barbara. – I will write to her as soon as I hear that all is well with the baby. The news of Basil is a great relief – please send him my love. Hoping that you are all well & that we shall be together before 1945. I remain Your Affectionate Son, Alan.

[page break]


My Dear Folks,

Please send me some more photographs sometime. I would like a shall on of “Hollingworth” etc etc. The last one which you sent of Peter came through OK. Suppose by now Bill will be a happily married man. Gwen tells me Pa is working too hard again. – I think this is very foolish, he should go away for a holiday. Recent letters Pa’s Dec 8th, 19th & Ma’s Jan 1st, 24th Gwen’s Jan 22nd Sorry this postcard is such a jumble, will write again in about 10 days. Please give my kindest regards to all. Your Affectionate Son Alan

[page break]
Prison Camp 30/6/42

My Dear Folks,

Just a little note to add to my requests. I would like some cigarettes, and also a tooth brush. I am just about through my socks, which have already been washed about 10 times. With regard to my request concerning that girl, I would like Mrs Sutton to write – no one else. It is a point of tact.
all for now
Love Alan

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[inserted] Written May 25/43 [/inserted]

Mr & Mrs W.H. Green
Firs Estate
Kenilworth Road

F/O Green

[page break]

[inserted] Written 22/8/43 Received 15.11.43 [/inserted]

Mr & Mrs W.H. Green
Firs Estate
Kenilworth Road

F/Lt Green

[page break]

[inserted] Written 5/12/42 Rec’d Mar 26

Mr & Mrs W.H. Green
Firs Estate
Kenilworth Road

F/O Green

[page break]

[inserted] Rec’d Aug 12/44 [/inserted]

Mr & Mrs W.H. Green
Firs Estate
Kenilworth Road

F/Lt Green

[page break]


My Dear Folks,

Have just been reading thru old letters & find I have not answered many of your questions. The shorts are excellent, & are now giving a service which should long outlast my POW life. The [indecipherable word] in my last parcel but one is excellently made, & has also been very useful. [indecipherable word] received “Lyall’s Languages of Europe” yesterday & sends sincere thanks. I have recently received two P.S.’s which are very interesting one with advert in back by some Chemist “Green” in Coventry. K regards to staff. Grandma’s both. Your Affectionate Son Alan.

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[inserted] Received 1 s t July. [/inserted]


My Dear Folks,

I received Ma’s letter of 5/4 & Pa’s letter of 10/4 several days ago. I see the mail situation is definitely looking up. I must congratulate Pa on the part he played in the Earlsdon team. I am rather pleased to hear that if Gwen is bound to do something, she intends to embark upon the midwifery & children branch. It is about the best thing she could do & may mean that she will be able to live at home. Ma the only photograph which I have is one which is so inaccurate that it may frighten you. Will send a decent one as soon as possible. Your affectionate Son Alan

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My Dear Folks,

Pa’s 8/3/44 Ma’s 8/3/44 & 18/3/44 all arrived together about 10 days ago. Pa mentions that he has just been planting lettuces & hopes that I may be home before he plants the next lot. – I just don’t dare to contemplate any alternative. I enter into my second year of P.O.W. life in a few days. My Feb parcel arrived about 2 weeks ago. It was quite intact & extremely welcome, though I think you ought to make the May on the last. Please give my congratulations to Barbara & Bill Bushill at appropriate moment. Yr Ever Loving Son Alan

[page break]

My Dear Folks,

My first clothing parcel has just arrived. It is excellent. A really fine XMAS present. among other things it contained 1lb of chocolate, half of which has already been dispensed with. Apparently the Br R X. deemed It necessary to remove the razor & blades. The razor does not matter, but I would welcome a few blades & a shaving brush in a later parcel. I am very fit and am receiving your letters regularly. Please give my love to all & keep smiling – Writing again next week
Your Affectionate Son. Alan.

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[inserted] Rec’d. Nov. 25. Written 18/8/43 [/inserted]

Mr & Mrs W.H. Green
Firs Estate
Kenilworth Road

Sender F/Lt Green

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[inserted] written 31.7.42 [/inserted]

Mr & Mrs W.H. Green
Firs Estate
Kenilworth Road

Sender P/O Green

[page break]

[inserted] written 31.9.42 [/inserted]

Mr & Mrs W.H. Green
Firs Estate
Kenilworth Road

Sender F/O A.W. Green

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[inserted] written 9.9.42. [/inserted]

Mr & Mrs W.H. Green
Firs Estate
Kenilworth Road

Sender F/O Green

[page break]


My Dear Folks,

Have written [underlined] Mary Smith [/underlined] requesting her to give you some advice on Buying of Books for PART II. should you decide it is worth sending some. [underlined] I will pay you [/underlined] for them when I rejoin you “après la guere” or shall we say in [underlined] 5 yrs. [/underlined] time! I hope by now that you have all the “gen” on sending things. I will leave it all to you. [underlined] Uniform parcels [/underlined] can be sent “ad lib” I believe. Have you kept [underlined] my car? [/underlined] – Have not [underlined] as yet received [/underlined] any news from you. [underlined] How is Basil? [/underlined]

I am your loving Son Alan.

[page break]


My Dear Folks,

I have a little surprising news for you today. I think you will remember the Corbishleys who were at Swallows at the same time as myself: well, Peter arrived here yesterday having been captured by the Germans after the fall of Italy. I would be grateful if you could convey this news to his people together with assurances that he is well & much the same as ever. He has been a P.O.W in Italy since ’41 & it is possible that his people have had little or no news of him during the recent [censored word] period in that country. Writing again soon.
Love, Alan

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My Dear Folks

I had only just posted my letter yesterday when I received two letters from you. (First 2) The first one came through quite OK, and I was pleased to get all the news – I never knew I had so many friends that you should be snowed under. I am jolly pleased to hear that you have had a short holiday, - and if it has put 10 yrs on Pa’s expectation, take him away again at XMAS, and make it 20 yrs instead. Pleased to hear Bas OK, tell him we’ll make some of the Chemists sit up when we get back again. Glad you got my things OK. Go right ahead on the C&D arrangements, & I’ll have a crack at it. Cannot send much more mail this month – so don’t worry Love to all Alan.

[page break]


My Dear Folks

This is my last card for August, I have been keeping it in case I should hear from you but have not as yet done so. the things I have so far requested you to send are, [underlined] razor, blades, T. Brushes & paste. My oldest uniform [/underlined] (F/O tapes to be put on sleeves) some [underlined] blue shirts, shoes, ties, underpants, my flat topped hat [/underlined], and my [underlined] greatcoat [/underlined] can follow when you find it possible to send it. I would also like you to send me a few parcels of cigarettes, and medical comforts, such as horlicks, ovaltine, etc & other body-building foods. I think that any chemist can pack these, & have them forwarded to the Red X All for now, Hope to hear from you soon. Your loving Son Alan.



Alan Green, “Postcards from Alan Green to his parents,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed July 22, 2024,

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