Browse Items (254 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "England--Lincoln"

Writes of frustrating day with flying on and off. Mentions going to the pictures and writing letters concerning upcoming trip to the Lakes.

Writes that he got back from Lincoln OK but was disappointed not to see her. Mentions they are standby crew but operations were scrubbed.

Thanks for letter and comb. No operations last night . No replies on accommodation for trip up north. Continues with love talk.

Catches up on activities and expresses gloom over President Roosevelt's death. Talks of Malcolm's bike and censorship of his letters. Writes about Malcolm when he was young. Catches up with family news,

Appreciates all that Doris is doing. Writes that the are being shabbily treated by Air Ministry and that others had been informed of their relatives fate they had not. They had received notification of presumed dead and that Malcolm was laid to rest…

Writes he is about to embark on a ship and there will be no mail while aboard for about 5 weeks. Destination is a mystery but he speculates about the future, Catches up with family news.

Millie Roberts has lived her life in and around Lincoln. Her early memories include watching an airship fly overhead from the school playground at Reepham, getting locked in a cowshed and knitting baby clothes from wool collected from hedgerows. …

Pat Harrison was born in Lincoln and was the only girl of four children. Her father joined the Royal Air Force after serving as an air raid warden. Pat remembers the arrival of evacuees in Lincoln and also recalls occasions when bombing resulted in…

Top - telegram from Air Ministry to Mrs E W Scott informing her that her husband is reported missing as result of air operations 21 October.
Bottom - letter of sympathy from OC 1237 Squadron Air Training Corps with regret that they learned E W Scott…

Sorry to hear that her son had been reported missing and hopes that she will get news soon. Writes that he was an excellent cadet.

Sorry to hear bad news about Hedley. Bad luck coming down on his last operation. Talks of joining the Royal Air Force. Catches up with news of leave and friends. Mentions that German radio had reported Lincoln was flattened but he had heard nothing.…

Thanks for parcels and catches up with news of friends. Writes of upcoming events and weather. Notes reading in the paper about how Hedley won Distinguished Flying Medal.

From information provided by the donor. Photograph of the Stonebow, Lincoln, decorated for the VE Day celebrations.

Part 1 - family background with information on relatives and family photographs.
Part 2 - war service of Flying Officer James Gordon Bennett Burnside flight engineer. Covers training as flight engineer. Then follows short descriptions. listing…

Notifies Doris Weeks that Malcolm Payne's next of kin have nominated her to take possession of his bicycle. It might be some time before it arrives due to transport diffuculties.

Reference Aus,417512 Flight Sergeant Payne M H advising due to long time and absence of news that he be presumed dead for official purposes as of 30 June 1944.

Advising her that information had been received from the Municipal Councillor of Arc En Barrios about the crash of Malcolm Payne's aircraft on 13 July 1944 and the burial of seven crew in the local cemetery at Court L'Eveque. News had been passed to…

A letter written on Canadian Legion War Forces headed paper to his mother describing visits to the cinema and pub and, on one occasion missing the last bus and having to walk back. Annotated 'Reg's last letter to me 1943'.

Note advising her that Flight Sergeant Payne M H and members of his crew are buried in the local cemetery of Court L'Eveque.

Penny Turner’s father, Flight Sergeant Albin John Turner, pilot of a Wellington bomber was killed in action during the first bombing operation on the 4th September 1939. Years later, when she was five years old, her mother told her that her father…

Albert was born in Aberdeenshire. Before the war he worked as an apprentice in an engineering firm. In 1943 he volunteered for the Royal Air Force, trained at London, Bridlington and Newquay before going for mechanical and engineering training. …

A booklet with a listing of former pupils that died in the Second World War. It includes a photograph of the deceased and a brief description.

A summons for cycling without lights.

Doris Reddish attended Sleaford High School followed by commercial college. She worked at Moore, Cooper and Burkett’s in Market Rasen until she joined the Royal Observer Corps. She trained for aircraft recognition in Lincoln then served as a table…
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