Letter to Hedley Madgett's parents from his brother Peter
Letter to Hedley Madgett's parents from his brother Peter
Thanks for parcels and catches up with news of friends. Writes of upcoming events and weather. Notes reading in the paper about how Hedley won Distinguished Flying Medal.
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Three page handwritten letter
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77 Richmond Rd.
Sidcup, Kent.
Dear Mum and Dad,
I received your letters and parcels OK a few days ago and very nice they were too. The pea-nut had “spread” a bit, but otherwise it was alright.
Had another letter from Nell the other day and seems to be keeping the same as per usual.
We should have an interesting time this Sunday with the “sockless
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and shirtless army” – we’ve got a run with Regular Army Don R’s round Cleethorpes, Sleaford and Boston etc. – about 150 miles in all. It’ll be OK if its not raining, but it’s 10 to one that it will be – knowing the weather we get round here.
The weathers a bit better now, but for the last week or two its been terrible – we’ll get used to it one of these days.
Thanks for the local paper, it’s a pretty good description of how Hedley got his DFM, and
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Reading it makes me more determined than ever to do something active, instead of sticking around in a classroom all day, listening to the bombers going over.
Glad to hear the chickens are still OK, and running about with the others – it doesn’t seem the other day since they were just hatched.
Well, I think I’ve run out of news for now so I’ll say
Sidcup, Kent.
Dear Mum and Dad,
I received your letters and parcels OK a few days ago and very nice they were too. The pea-nut had “spread” a bit, but otherwise it was alright.
Had another letter from Nell the other day and seems to be keeping the same as per usual.
We should have an interesting time this Sunday with the “sockless
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and shirtless army” – we’ve got a run with Regular Army Don R’s round Cleethorpes, Sleaford and Boston etc. – about 150 miles in all. It’ll be OK if its not raining, but it’s 10 to one that it will be – knowing the weather we get round here.
The weathers a bit better now, but for the last week or two its been terrible – we’ll get used to it one of these days.
Thanks for the local paper, it’s a pretty good description of how Hedley got his DFM, and
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Reading it makes me more determined than ever to do something active, instead of sticking around in a classroom all day, listening to the bombers going over.
Glad to hear the chickens are still OK, and running about with the others – it doesn’t seem the other day since they were just hatched.
Well, I think I’ve run out of news for now so I’ll say
P Madgett, “Letter to Hedley Madgett's parents from his brother Peter,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 12, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/18716.
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