Browse Items (50 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "California"

City with many buildings and grid road structure. Taller buildings towards the top and LA river running right to left across the top. The dog legged road is W 8th St in the Westlake South area of the city.

Four biographies of 199 Squadron servicemen killed in action, with notes regarding the inscriptions on their headstones.
Flying Officer Ronald Herman Downes Cook, wireless operator/ air gunner;
Sergeant Ronald Hughes, navigator;
Sergeant John…

Pilots flying log book for Michael James Beetham, covering the period from 5 December 1945 to 18 July 1952. Detailing his post war squadron duties, staff duties, flying training and instructor duties and flew the victory day fly past and good will…

Sylvia was born in Mansfield where her father was a miner and her mother had worked at Lawns Mills. She had two brothers and a sister. Sylvia was 15 when she left school to work at the hosiery mills and recalls the German manager being deported. She…

Peter Morris lived through the East End blitz. He joined the ATC as soon as it was established and applied to join the RAF as aircrew. He was accepted for training as a navigator. While waiting for a course he was part of a group that was sent to…

Pilots flying log book for Ronald Mathers covering the period from 1 October 1944 to 24 February 1948. Detailing his flying training, instructor duties and duties with 35 squadron. He was stationed at RAF Swinderby, RAF Finningley, RAF Hullavington,…

Postcard to Rosemary Chadwick from Roy Chadwick written while airborne between Los Angeles to San Francisco. Sends love to all. Postmarked Seattle, Washington State. On the front a photograph of a United Airlines DC 3.

Item 1 is a newspaper cutting about the airmen visiting studios and recreation centres.
Item 2 is a photograph of three men and two women, captioned 'Some of the stars about town'.
Item 3, 4, 5 and 6 are photographs of several airmen standing with…

Item 1 is a card with an aerial view of Ocean Avenue, Long Beach.
Item 2 is a card for Ricarts Restaurant at Long Beach.
Item 3 is a photograph of the National Broadcasting Company studios.
Item 4 is a photograph of a yacht at the quayside.

Photograph 1 is a street view of the Palladium and the Columbia Broadcasting System studios, Hollywood.
Photograph 2 and 3 are views of Earl Carrol's night club.
Photograph 4 is Miss Doris Peterson, an actress from Ken Murray's…

Photograph 1 is Grauman's Chinese Theatre.
Photograph 2 is a large single storey building, captioned 'Officer's Club and Bachelor Officer's Quarters. The club serves as a meeting place for the men who share the time-honored military…

Photograph 1 is four women on the beach, captioned 'On the beach at Santa Monica is glimpsed a cross-section of Miss America. Here pictured while sun-basking are outstanding examples of "The American Look".'
Photograph 2 is a group of airmen and…

Photograph 1 is a motorway, captioned 'Cahuenga Boulevard'.
Photograph 2 is a wooden building, captioned 'Typical Barracks at the Sixth Ferrying Group. Men assigned to the field are quartered in theses two-story structures.'
Photograph 3 is of…

Photograph 1 is a street view captioned 'Looking East on Pacific Avenue, Long Beach'.
Under a caption of 'With the "35th" Bombing Squadron, R.A.F., in Southern California. The following is a pictographic review of your activities and recreation…

Photograph 1 is an aerial view of Long Beach Pike with a printed caption.
Item 1 is a letter to 35 Squadron from the commanding officer at Long Beach. It dedicates an album to the airmen of 35 Squadron.
Photograph 2 is an aerial view of the Sixth…

Photograph 1 is the Rose Bowl stadium, Passadena with a printed comment.
Photograph 2 is the Hollywood Bowl with a printed comment.
Item 1 is a newspaper cutting from the Los Angeles Times. There is a photograph of seven Lancasters and a line of…

Item 1 is a newspaper cutting of two airmen. Wing Commander Allan Craig is shaking the hand of Colonel KC McGregor as he dismounts from a Lancaster.
Item 2 is a newspaper cutting with the weather.
Item 3 is a newspaper cutting 'RAF Planes Here for…

A map of North America with a route plotted on it. Airfields visited are listed from Gravely and back. It is captioned '"Operation Goodwill" 8th July to 29th Aug 1946.'

Photograph 1 is the Capitol, Washington taken from an aircraft and partly obscured by an engine, captioned 'Capitol building, Washington D.C. 1947'.
Photograph 2 is a head and shoulders portrait of a man, a woman and a girl, captioned 'Lloyd,…

Don Southwell grew up in Australia and worked for RKO Radio Pictures and as an Air Raid Precautions Warden, before volunteering for the Royal Air Force. After training in Australia and Canada, he flew nine operations as a navigator with 463 Squadron…

Lindsay was born in Murwillumbah, Australia, before moving to Brisbane in 1927. He tells of growing up on the family, and how his eldest brother was killed in Malaya on the Thai Railway, and his older brother returning home to run the farm after his…

Harvey Bawden, from Bendigo, Victoria, Australia, volunteered for the Royal Australian Air Force in 1942 at the age of 18. After initial training school and assessment as an air gunner, he was shipped to England via the United States. After crewing…

Herbert Adams grew up in New South Wales, Australia and joined the Air Training Corps as soon as it was established. He later joined the Royal Australian Air Force and, after training, he completed a tour of operations as a navigator with 467…

Arthur Atkins grew up in Melbourne, Australia. As a Boy Scout, he experienced a flight in an aircraft and knew then he wanted to be a pilot. He transferred from the army to the Royal Australian Air Force and started pilot training in Australia. He…
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