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  • Tags: pilot

Includes certificate of competency, details of holder. renewals in 1935, 35, 37, 38, 39.

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Two part interview with Bob Panton.

Part 1. Bob Panton was a child during the war. One day as his father was coming towards their house Bob saw three Dornier 17 come into view. Then out of the sun came six Spitfires and a battle started in front…

Vernon Morgan, from Cardiff, joined the civil service working at the Royal Ordnance Factory, volunteering for the RAF in 1941. After pilot training in South Africa he returned to several different roles: CO of a satellite aerodrome, pilot for…

Recollections of John's service career, by his son Clive, including a letter from 44 Squadron Association. It describes John taking fellow RAF volunteers' compulsary swimming tests in their stead and his initial training in Rhodesia. He flew in…

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Written by his nephew, a narrative of Reg's early life, his participation in student exchanges in Germany, joining the Royal Air force, training, life on the station and the crash in which he died, together with air gunners Sergeant Leslie Johnson…

Fulfilled necessary conditions while in Air Training Corps and qualified in the pilot/observer syllabus of training.

Pleased to receive her letter and news. States he was interviewed and accepted as pilot and would shortly start courses as long as medical was passed. Keen to get at Germans that they hear every night. However, he notes training will take some…

Received her third letter and says he is still at Bridgnorth. Mention he passed his medical for pilot and is awaiting posting for training. Mentions 175 Germans shot down previous day. Mentions weather, going to Wolverhampton and other activities…

Writes that he has now moved to near Torquay and has started his pilot's course. Describes local area and accommodation. Thanks her for forwarding cash. Catches up with family/friends news. Mentions Rhodesian casualties in Egypt. Writes that they are…

Writes that there would shortly be vacancies in civil aviation for qualified pilots and asks if he would like his name put forward and asks for flying hours.

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Writes about his new station, the local area and places to go. Writes that they had not done much yet due to weather but he had gone solo. Writes a little about his flying, ground school and staff. Continues with description of sports and athletics.…

Poem written in the Far East by Flying Officer D F Page, a 17 Squadron pilot.

The letter refers to Mr Joseph's son, Flight Sergeant David Joseph who is reported as missing in action. A list of his crew is included. The list does not include Sergeant Louis Makens who joined the crew as mid under gunner and became a prisoner of…

Relates story of Lancaster on operation to Berlin being hit by night fighter fire which wounded crew and damaged aircraft. Returning home with wounded crew and belly landed.

Left page: top, invitation to cocktails; bottom, lifeboat alongside HMS Universal submarine with P57 on its turret. Right page, top, report of the US steamer Luray Victory, annotated 'Bob was pilot when these photographs were taken; below, report of…

Mike Chatterton grew up on a farm. His father, John Chatterton was a Lancaster pilot during the war, before returning to university and becoming a lecturer, then later becoming a farmer. Mike joined the Royal Air Force from university in the 1970’s…

Roddy MacKenzie’s father, Roland, joined the Canadian Royal Air Force in 1942. He trained as a pilot and worked as an instructor in Canada before being posted to RAF Kirmington, where he joined 166 Squadron and received the Distinguished Flying…

Reg Harrison grew up on a farm in Saskatchewan, Canada and enjoyed watching aircraft when they flew over. He had his first flight as a youngster after borrowing five dollars from a shopkeeper. He volunteered for aircrew as soon as he was of age and…

Sidney and Una both experienced the effect of the war in Sheffield as a child. When Dunkirk survivors arrived at the nearby Reception Centre Sidney collected many souvenirs such as cap badges and his aunt also took two soldiers in to her home while…

Dave tells Betty he receives letters more often now. He then writes about the weather and comments that he will have his final exams in one month. Dave updates Betty on the last movies he saw; and on the people she knows who are also attending the…

David Donaldson reminisces about an operation on Turin, describing the crossing of the Alps at night and the awe-inspiring sight of Mount Blanc. David stresses the uniqueness of the operation, only comparable to a previous one on Munich, and mentions…
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