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  • Tags: pilot

A side view cartoon of Harold Gorton. He is standing with his hands in his pockets. It is captioned 'Gort' and is signed 'Pat Rooney 1943'.

Flight engineers log book (Copy) for H Kirby covering the period from 26 April 1944 to 24 May 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAF Winthorpe, RAF Syerston, RAF Waddington and RAF Coningsby. Aircraft flown…

Two pilots sitting reading. On the reverse 'Harold North & Pete Brothers 1942'.

Harold wearing flying helmet and oxygen mask in aircraft cockpit.

Three photographs of Harold in the garden of a house, full length, two of him standing and one reclining on the grass, Flying Officer rank braids.

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Formal portrait, upper torso, pilot's brevet and Flying Officer rank braids.

'Group of 7, Southgate on left. Caption August 1942, Swinderby' standing on the left side of the rear fuselage of 50 Squadron Lancaster, F, serial R572?. Posed in two rows one is carrying flying kit.

Additional information about this item has been…

From information kindly provided by the donor. 'Two men standing, Southgate on right, captioned George and self'.
Posed standing on grass on the left side of 50 Squadron Lancaster rear fuselage.

No year is recorded only the month and day from 24 January until 6 August for a total of 29.05 all on Tiger Moth.

First entry 1951-12-01, last entry 1952-10-11, for about 10 hours.

Pilot’s flying log book for Harold Yeoman covering the period from 18 November 1940 to 7 November 1942. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAF Sywell (6 EFTS), RCAF Moose Jaw (32 SFTS), RAF Bassingbourn (11…

Harry joined the Royal Australian Air Force on 25 June 1942 as a wireless operator/air gunner and received his initial training in Australia before going to Canada for his trade training.

He sailed on the SS Johan Van Barneve to San Francisco and…

Ken Johnson's crew. Captioned ‘LL91 QR-X “Xray” with Harry Watkins crew L-R Doug. Hockin (N) Fred Jowitt (E) Johnny Ware (W/O) Ted Ray (B/A) Front- Harry Watkins (P) Ken Johnson (MUG) Hugh Green (RG)’

Pilots flying log book for H W Wickham, covering the period from 29 September 1940 to 16 November 1945. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at RAF Cambridge, RAF South Cerny, RAF Abingdon, RAF…

H W Wickham’s Pilot’s Flying Log Book covering the period 10 July 1942 to 23 May 1943. Detailing his operations flown as pilot. He was stationed at RAF Fayid and RAF Aqir (462 Squadron) and RAF Castle Coombe (3 Flying Instructor’s…

Recalls Harry's joining the RAF and describes his initial, then basic and advanced aircrew training. Follows move to operational training unit, and joining 102 Squadron flying Whitley. Mentions operations to Berlin, Stettin and Duisburg. Converted to…

Top left - side view of Harvard on airfield. Top right - four student pilots wearing flying suits standing in front of a Harvard. Captioned 'Left to Right, Yours truly. Les Mills, McAteer (Irish) & Rogers'. Bottom left - four pilots wearing flying…

Top left - view of front of Harvard with pilot in cockpit. Captioned 'McAteer'. Top right - an airman wearing greatcoat and side cap standing at the top of steps in open door of a building. Middle - side view of Harvard with pilot in the cockpit.…

Head and shoulders portrait of a man wearing tunic with pilot's brevet and peaked cap. Captioned 'F/O Harvey Lade - Deniliquin take just before sailed for the Middle East'.

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Full face portrait of a Luftwaffe officer with iron cross on neck ribbon. On the reverse 'Hauptman Walter Bernschein, Ju88 night fighter pilot, who shot down Lancaster ND853, XN=J'. Two versions of the same image. Submitted with caption 'Hauptmann…

A half length portrait of an air gunner and a pilot. Both are sergeants and they are wearing tropical uniform. On the reverse is 'Grandad', '(That's me on the left!!)' and a lot of scribbles.

Extract of record for Tadeusz Wierzbowski gives personal and service details. Includes decoration cross of valour.

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Left - white headstone for Robert Palmer.
Middle - white headstone for G Russell DFC.
White headstone for A L Carter DFC.
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