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  • Tags: evading

A pair of boots issued to Malcolm Staves. The uppers could be cut away to convert them into shoes if the wearer was shot down behind enemy lines.

George Thomson had always wanted to fly. When he volunteered for the RAF he hoped to be a pilot but re-mustered as a navigator. He was posted to 15 Squadron based at RAF Mildenhall. On their first operation they were attacked by fighters three times.…

George Thomson was a navigator with 15 Squadron based at RAF Mildenhall. On their nineteenth operation they came under attack and had to bale out of the aircraft. The pilot and mid-upper gunner both died. When he landed he saw a parachute stuck in a…

Kenneth William Trueman volunteered for the RAF and was called up in 1941. After training in South Africa, he served as a navigator with 640 Squadron and speaks of his preference for the Gee navigation aid rather than H2S. His operations included…

Henry Wolfe Wagner was born in Ireland. The family moved to England when he was young and settled near Reading. Henry attended Reading University for two years joining the University Air Squadron. He then volunteered for the RAF and began training as…

Ted Neale describes the aircrew and circumstances leading to their baling out near Nereto, Tortoreto, Italy. Some of the crew were captured, but Ted was sheltered by local people. He met up with an English army corporal and travelled by boat to…

Asks if Cheshire has vacancy for wireless operator on his squadron. Served under him at RAF Linton-on-Ouse and recent returned after evading on the continent.

Three head and shoulders portraits of Keith Thompson in civilian clothes captioned 'Photos to be used for forged by escape helpers.'
Photograph of aircrew in flying gear captioned 'Gunners dressed for cold at 25,000 ft (-25 [degrees]C)'.…

Noted not to be produced in public; a list of phrases in German, Spanish, French and Dutch.


Seven head and shoulders portraits of Rex Searle. Typically these were taken for use in identity cards, if evading capture on mainland Europe.


Six head and shoulders portraits of Alexander Lamb and a page of English-Dutch phrases. They are captioned 'Escape pictures for use in fake docs if needed'.

Nine photographs from an album.
Photos 1 and 4 are head and shoulder images of Peter, captioned 'Self -escape photos 1944'.
Photos 2,3, 5 and 6 are head and shoulders of Gwen, captioned 'Gwen WRNS 1942'.
Photo 7 is a diver being suited up with the…

Article headlines: gallantry in captivity, awards to airmen, many lives saved in Germany. OBEs for Group Captain Laurence F Wray RCAF shot down March 1944 for work done on evacuation of Stalag Luft 3. Wing Commander (acting Group Captain) Henry…

Two escape maps, the first is of Germany at a very small scale, the second is of France, Benelux and Switzerland.

Article stating that men aged 30, 31 and 32 were expected to register for military service in July 1940. Other headlines: RAF again bomb Italian base at Tobruk, Britain to take 3100 U.S. planes, sentry shoots, invasion soon: a Berlin report. Article…

Volume 4, number 5, May 1946, the final edition. The Journal contains information from the Air Ministry, stories from around the world and humour.

The news-sheet of the RAF ex-POW Association. This edition covers the recovery of a crashed Blenheim in Holland, Roy Winton's fourth visit to Barth in 2000, the proposed erection of a memorial to RAF POWs, the Fallingbostel memorial project,…

The news-sheet of the RAF ex-POW Association. This edition covers the POW memorial, Recco report -stories of ex-POWs, the Larry Slattery memorial fund, the Second World War experience centre, an article by Vitel Formanek about his visit to the UK, …

The news-sheet of the RAF ex-POW Association. This edition covers refurbishing the memorial to "The Fifty" and the construction of a replica hut 104 at Zagan., the 65th anniversary of the Great Escape, the Royal Windsor Tattoo, a POW day at High…

A booklet with lists of phrases in English, German, Spanish, French and Dutch. On top of each page is a warning 'NOT TO BE PRODUCED IN PUBLIC'.

A biography of Arthur Pritchard written by his daughter. It covers his training, operations and the night he was shot down. Despite speaking no French he was assisted to a hideout in Paris where he remained until Paris was liberated in August 1944.

The author was shot down over Linz, Austria whilst bombing a Panzer works. The other six in his crew perished. He was taken to Dulag Luft at Frankfurt then Stalag Luft VII. In January his camp was evacuated and he joined the Long March to the west,…

Three head and shoulders photographs of Robert Wannop in civilian clothes.

Jim Moffat with three women and a man, The man has a bandaged right hand. It is captioned 'Jim Moffat The Englishman... James...'
Information supplied with the collection states 'The Aiuthphene family with Jim (2nd from left).


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